[敗家] 86 Shop @ 台灣

好,等我繼續講我嘅台灣敗家史先。我第一日去完Sogo之後,因為我去嘅係Sogo忠考館,好近我其中一個想去敗家嘅地方, 就係86 Shop喇。佢有d似小型莎莎。如果我無記錯嘅話,佢地本身係Online Store, 呢期開始有埋retail。有新地方check out, 我當然會去8下啦。一去就敗左以下嘅東東喇(佢地竟然唔收card,淨係收cash!!害我差d唔夠錢過埋餘下嗰兩日丫!)。

(English:  Yay!  Time to continue my Taiwan story!  The first day I went to Sogo and it’s really close to another place where I wanted to do some hauling, we went to 86 Shop straight after Sogo.  86 Shop is like a mini Sasa.  If I remember right, they started as an online store and recently they offered retail services as well.  New place to check out and of course I wouldn’t miss it.  And I ended up hauling the following stuff (they don’t accept credit cards, they only take cash!!  Can you believe that?  That almost wiped me out of my pocket!!):)

先嚟望下張全家福先。係咪你都覺得我敗得好興奮呢? 真係走火入魔。我覺得有d香港都買到(唔記得),但係橫掂都去到見都啱都買埋啦。 而家再逐樣睇下丫。

(English:  Pretty amazing eh?  I was so thrilled when I was there and I hauled quite a bit of stuff.  I thought some of the stuff were available in Hong Kong too, but I just took the opportunity while I was there.  Now let’s take a look at each one:)

AK: NT250@ & Jumily: NT345@

AK: NT250@

去台灣當然要買假眼捷毛啦!  今次敗嘅係台灣女仔呢期最愛用嘅AK, 我第一日去敗唔到609同611丫, 因為呢期好都人都係網講呢兩個款,所以一早賣完。我第一日淨係敗左601 & 606。 咁當然我又唔甘心啦,所以最尾個日我又去過,哈,俾我買到611 wor! 好過無啦!另外Jumily個對我係香港見唔到,所以買黎試下。

(English:  How can you go to Taiwan without hauling fake lashes?  I got AK which is a very popular brand among Taiwanese girls.  I went there during the first day of my trip and I couldn’t get 609 and 611 as many people have been talking about these two (that’s why they were sold out).  I only got 601 and 606 on the first day.  Then I went back during the last day of my trip and got 611!  *laughs*  I don’t think I have seen Jumily in Hong Kong, therefore I got 1 set to try!)


呢個係好出名嘅日本Cotton Pads, 可以好輕易咁將佢撕成5塊, 我係香港買唔到, 所以係個邊見到即買兩盒。 遲d再分享丫, 真係好方便。

(English:  Very famous Japanese cotton pads, you can easily tear it into 5 pieces.  I couldn’t get it in Hong Kong, therefore, when I saw it in the store, I got two boxes straight!  I will share my comments later – it’s super convenient to use!)


嘩,跟住就敗Yoko(其實話係泰國牌子)嘅磨沙產品喇。 我見佢有7隻味, 我全部敗sa, 仲敗多左嘅jar俾d friends做禮物。 我見好多台灣blogger都話好用, 同埋佢真係超平, 所以我就買咁多, 應該出年成年我都唔洗敗身體磨沙喇。 你見相中有一包野, 都係身體磨沙, 但係就用係bikini lines, 我覺得個concept好搞笑, 所以敗埋啦。

(English:  *laughs*  Crazy me!  I hauled so many body scrubs from Yoko (a Thai brand indeed).  They have 7 flavours and I got them all, I even hauled a few for my friends as gifts!  Many Taiwanese bloggers recommend this and the price tags are super friendly, it’s hard for me not to haul.  I think I should have enough body scrubs to last me all next year *smiles*!  You see there is a package in the photo, that one is from the same brand, but it’s used for bikini lines, I got it as I found the concept was super fun!)


呢個都係Yoko出品。 係手爭膝頭保濕美白cream, 咁個d位就唔會黑媽媽啦。等我用下先, 唔知係咪真係work!

(English:  From Yoko again!  This is a whitening/ hydrating cream for elbows and knees.  I haven’t tried it yet and I am not sure if the whitening function really works!  Will share later!)


呢個橙橙嘅造型真係嘅得意, 原來係用嚟磨腳爭嘅。 我同Mr. Honey一人一個啦。 個樣好討好。 哈哈。

(English:  A piece of orange!!  *laughs*  So fun!!!  This one is used for scrubbing the heels!!  I got one each for me and Mr. Honey.  It should look very fun in the bathroom!)


呢個Shills Hydrating Nutrient Mask係幫人買, 個friend話佢要搽嘅cream mask, 我搵左好耐先見呢盒野。 我覺得台灣女子仔比較鍾意用paper mask, 所以呢d cream mask真係超難搵到呀!

(English:  I got this Shills Hydrating Nutrient Mask for a friend as she mentioned that she wanted some cream mask.  I noticed that Taiwanese girls love to use paper mask more than cream mask.  It was rather hard for me to find this!)


Hello Mi Mi 放假眼捷毛嘅東東。 我都係咁啱見到所以買。 咁我用完d假眼捷毛可以放落去下次再用!

(English:  Hello Kitty fake lashes case!  Now I could store my used fake lashes there!)


我諗好多人都會見過呢jar cream! 我想試好耐, 不過成日都唔會去水貨店。 今次見到, 所以就買喇。 我見佢有三隻可以揀, 呢隻係美白保濕, 另一隻係抗老, 再另一隻係保濕。 不過我見d人話呢隻係classic, 最好用, 所以我就買呢個試下。

(English:  Many people should be familiar with this cream.  I have been wanting to try it for awhile.  There are 3 types to choose from.  I got this whitening and hydrating one, and I think there is another one for anti-aging and one for pure hydrating.  I read that many people like this one better, so I just got this one to try!)

Price Range: NT230 – NT350@

呢堆野係亞Mr Honey叫我買, 佢話佢想玩。 哈哈, 我又無咩所謂。 呢幾隻都係去黑頭嘅野, 我好似見香港都有。 等我用左再分享下掂唔掂丫。

(English:  Mr Honey wanted me to haul these as he was quite interested in removing black heads.  I think some are available in Hong Kong too.  Let me try them out and comment later.)

NT199@ (on your left) & NT99@ (on your right)

我Kate枝眉筆用完, 所以要買喇。 左邊個隻係啡色, 右邊個隻係灰色。 睇下邊隻造型就用邊隻色啦。

(English:  My Kate eyebrow pencil was finished, therefore I had to get something new.  The left one is brown and the right one is grey.  Different looks need different colors.)

唔知係我敗得太多嘅關係定點, 佢地送左呢set野俾我係gift! 係寶藝嘅東東, 等我得閒研究下佢係咩嚟先。

(English:  Not sure if I have hauled too many things, they gave me a Bonanza gift!  Let me investigate when I have a bit more time!)

我真係超鍾意去敗呢d東東, 我敗左咁多野都係千令蚊港紙。 成績都唔錯啦! 我覺得買假捷毛最正, 因為呢間野真係有好多款式揀, 可以慢慢睇呀! 如果你地去台灣可以上網search佢哋地址吖, 好易去呀!

(English:  OMG!!  I really love this 86 Shop and I had so much fun in hauling these items.  I think in total I spent a bit over HK$1000 to get everything above – not bad!  It’s a fab place to haul fake lashes since they have many brands available and you could really take your time to check each one out.  If you are going to Taiwan, check out their address online, it’s worth a go and it’s in a convenient location as well!!)

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