[旅遊] 台灣的美妝店 86 Shop

台灣有好多美妝店, 但係我覺得呢兩次去台灣行呢d美妝店唔覺得太大驚喜! 可能係佢地好多野都變網購, 同埋香港而家都入咗好多台灣野, 所以變相唔太大驚喜! 反而最近睇台灣blogger, 見佢地介紹86 Shop. 呢兩次去台灣我都去咗睇下有冇好野!

(English: There are many store selling beauty related stuff in Taiwan, however, I was there twice and I wasn’t overly excited. Maybe it’s because there are a lot of online stores these days, or maybe many of the stuff can be purchased in HK as well. Before I went, I saw some Taiwanese bloggers introducing 86 Shop, so I went explored during my two trips!)

佢好近我最鍾意嘅Sogo忠考館, 所以去完Sogo敗家, 我都一定會行埋過去!

(English: It’s really close to Sogo Chung Xiau Guen, so I would go there whenever I finish hauling in Sogo!)

其實佢間店就真係唔大, 但勝在夠多野睇! 我今次去都多人!

(English: The store is not huge but it has a good selection of beauty stuff. When I was there recently, many girls were in the store as well.)

我唔係好敢喺入面影相丫, 怕人地會趕我出門口. 但係當我見到呢樣野嗰陣, 我偷偷地影咗一張!!

(English: I wasn’t brave enough to take the photos inside since I was afraid that I might get kicked out. But when I saw this, I had to shoot one!!)

哈哈!! 美國超平超正嘅深層清潔面膜!! 呢隻俾油性皮膚嘅人用, 效果真係好唔錯!

(English: *laughs* A brilliant drugstore deep cleansing mask which is made in US. It works really well on oily skin types.)

呢間野好多台灣或者日本牌子, 假眼睫毛款式都夠多夠新!! 如果你地都比較喜愛呢類型產品, 去台灣嗰陣記得抽時間去望下丫!!  我上年十一月出咗篇台灣86 Shop敗家文, 有興趣可以過去參考下丫(回顧按此)。

(English: The store carries many Taiwanese / Japanese brands. It has a great collection of fake lashes as well! If you are into one of the abovementioned, make sure you check the store out!! Right, I recalled that I had written a blog post about the haul at 86 Shop, if you are interested, please refresh your memory.)

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