My 7 Absolute Favourites from La Mer

三年前我有拍過一條片係分享10件La Mer產品既用後感(未睇可以按此睇翻), 事隔多年,我當中都有用過La Mer其他產品。 不如今日我簡單講下7款我最鍾意,會/有回購亦覺得必買必試既產品丫!

Three years ago, I did have a video on YouTube sharing my thoughts on 10 of La Mer’s products (check it out here), it’s been a few years and I have tried and tested a few other La Mer products, therefore, I want to quickly recap my 7 absolute favourites!  If I call these favourites, it would mean that I love them, I would repurchase them and I think if you want to give La Mer a go, you should try these babies first!


La Mer The Luminous Lifting Cushion Foundation SPF20 HK$950
Get it cheaper online here

之前做咗測試一天既片,大家未睇或者有興趣都可以按此望望。我覺得佢各方面都表現得好唔錯,妝感靚亦持久!去旅行亦都好方面! 我仲有其他cushion foundation要試,不過暫時黎講,呢隻係我比較鍾意既一隻cushion foundation。無論你決定上網(link)買定係去counter買,顏色記得一定要試上面試得好清楚,因為佢有好多色又有唔同undertone,就咁望係望唔出啱色呀!

I did a one day testing video on this and if you have missed or interested, you can check it out here.  I like its nice performance across different aspects!  It looks great on skin and it’s quite long-lasting.  I find it especially convenient for travelling.  I do have other cushion foundations I have to try out in the coming few weeks, but right now, this is one of the best ones that I love.   One thing to note is that no matter if you decide to shop online (link) or in stores, make sure you try the colour on your face and try it thoroughly.  The reason being is that it comes in many colours with different undertones, only by looking at the colour, you won’t know if it’s a right fit or not.


La Mer The Powder Brush HK$650
Get it cheaper online here


啲毛質真係超柔軟,用上面超級舒服! 個掃頭大細又啱啱好,我用佢黎上碎粉,幾下都已經搞掂! 抓粉力亦都好高,洗過好幾次都無甩毛! 所以如果你想揾high-end品牌既碎粉掃,我第一時間會推介呢枝俾你!

The bristles are super soft and it feels great on skin!  I love the size of the brush head, I use it for loose powder and it’s perfect with just a few strokes!  It grabs powder nicely as well; I have washed this brush for a few times, the quality of the bristles stay nice and they don’t come falling off!  So, if you are looking for a high-end powder brush, I would immediately recommend this one for you!


La Mer Creme De La Mer Moisturizing Cream HK$1,500/30ml
Get it cheaper online here


到護膚品喇,當然第一個就要講呢個經典! 我都用咗好幾罐! 呢個係佢最出名既產品,而大家一講La Mer都會諗起既產品。 佢而家有好多唔同質地,呢款最啱乾皮膚! 我一秋冬都會拎佢出黎用,一用就會用到底! 好鍾意佢修復性高,夠潤同埋用完佢皮膚好滑! 我覺得佢保濕就一般,所以一定要用保濕精華打底!

Moving onto skincare products, of course the first one I need to mention this La Mer classic – Creme De La Mer Moisturizing cream!  This is by far their most well known item!  Now it also comes in different textures for different skin types.  This particular one is perfect for dry skin!  I usually crack this out during Autumn and Winter, and I usually would continue using it till it’s used up!  I love its good repairing function, how moisturising it is and the fact that skin is so so soft after use!  I don’t think it’s particularly hydrating, so you must use a hydrating serum prior to this!


La Mer Creme The Moisturizing Cool Gel Cream HK$1,500/30ml
Get it cheaper online here

正! 呢個夏天發現既新大陸! 呢個Cool Gel Cream係佢哋今年新作,一出就超熱賣(我成日都聽到話無貨)。 呢個係gel cream質地,好好推之餘有少少涼涼地既感覺,夏天用超級舒服! 呢個保濕度好好,用完第二日皮膚滑到線手! 呢個我下年都一定會回購! 其實我而家都心思思想買,不過開始乾,我都係用住Creme De La Mer先。 呢個Cool Gel Cream我咁乾冬天一定唔夠。 不過如果你皮膚冬天都會出油同埋你唔鍾意笠既話,我覺得你會好喜歡呢個質地同效果!

Nice!  The new discovered star of this summer!  This Cool Gel Cream was their new release this year and it has been really popular (I heard countless times that it’d been out of stock).  This comes in a gel cream format, it’s really spreadable and it offers a wee bit of a cooling sensation so it’s perfect for summer time!  This hydrates really well and skin becomes super smooth the next day (like seriously SMOOTH)!  I will repurchase it when the next summer comes around.  Indeed, I wanted to stock up now, but the weather is getting dry, so I have been using my Creme De La Mer since I don’t think this Cool Gel Cream is good for people with super dry skin in the winter like me!  However, if your skin is still on the oilier side and you don’t like any moisturizer that’s too heavy, I am confident that you will like the texture and results of this one!


La Mer The Cleansing Lotion HK$950/200ml
Get it cheaper online here


另外就到La mer既洗面奶! 又係一用就會用到見底既產品! 如果你係乾皮膚又鍾意用洗面奶既話,呢款真係唔錯! 雖然佢落唔到妝,但係用佢黎洗面唔會過笠,過完水皮膚覺得乾淨但係唔乾有少少潤感! 最亮點就係用佢洗完皮膚超滑!! 我真係好迷戀個種滑既感覺!

Then we have La Mer The Cleansing Lotion!  This is amazing and every time I start using it, I love it so much that I would make sure I finish it!  If you have dry skin and you enjoy using cleansing milk, this is really nice!  Though it doesn’t remove makeup, using it as a face cleanser won’t leave your skin greasy!  After rinsing off, skin feels clean, not dry and quite moisturized!  The highlight is that skin, again, becomes really soft and SMOOTH after using this!  You know, when you rinse off the product on your face, your hands touch the skin, and you keep thinking, “ohhhhh this is SO SMOOTH!”  I am not going to lie, this is the best feeling ever.


La Mer The Tonic HK$950/200ml
Get it cheaper online here

La Mer既爽膚水我都好鍾意,我好少鍾意啲咩水,除非我見到有效果! 呢個初初用我唔覺得有咩特別,但係用用下覺得用cotton pad抹上面好舒服,有抹走殘跡效果同埋有少少保濕!用下用下我又用晒一枝!

Here comes The Tonic from La Mer.  I seldom love any toner type thing unless I can visually see a difference!  At first, I didn’t think it was any special, but then after a few days, it starts to grow on me.  It feels really comfortable wiping it with cotton pad on skin, it helps remove the last trace of residue and it is quite hydrating!


La Mer The Reparative Body Lotion HK$1,750/200ml
Get it cheaper online here




呢個真係好貴既body lotion! 佢有body cream版,但係我鍾意個body lotion多啲,因為無咁笠! 雖然佢真係天價級,但係佢真係好易吸收,吸完之後皮膚好滑同埋超級線手,一啲都唔笠! 好少有想搽body lotion既感覺, 但係每次用親呢枝都會好期待搽完個效果!

The Reparative Body Lotion is very pricey, it also comes in the body cream format, but I really enjoy the body lotion because it’s less heavy!  Though the price is a steep, it really gets absorbed into the skin and skin is so smooth after use without any sticky feeling!  I seldom WANT to use a body lotion, but every time I use this one, I so look forward to the silky smooth result!



(all product images are from the stores linked in the passages)
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