[保養] 7日皮膚急救大法

唔係我唔係講d咩好複雜嘅皮膚急救方法, 我只係想講我近期愛上嘅其中一個面膜jer(唔洗擔心, 我知香港人都無咩時間搞好多野)。 話說前兩個星期我收到個email, 係維特健靈send比我嘅。 我初初見到維特健靈呢幾粒字, 自己就開始遐想:邀請我試佢地d靈芝? 原來我睇睇下先發現佢地有護膚品想我試下個效果如何。 咁我又諗喇:咁大間藥廠, 整食落肚嘅野都得啦, 應該整用落皮膚嘅野都唔錯。 就係因為我嘅好奇心(唔好意思, 係收個email之前我真係唔知佢地有護膚品)同信心, 我就答應試佢地其中兩個產品, 試完之後再俾翻d feedback佢地(笑)。

(English: Nah, I am not going to talk about some very complicated skincare steps, I just want to share my favourite facial mask which I recently fall in love with!  Two weeks ago, I received an email from Vita Green.  At first I thought, “invitation to try some kind of supplements?”  When I continued to read, I realized that they actually have been producing skincare products as well and would love to have my feedback.  Oh if they can make medicine, I would think that their skincare products should be good as well!  Because of my curiosity (please excuse my ignorance in not knowing that they have skincare products) and my confidence, I promised to try out two of their products (I am gonna talk about one of them first today).)

為左試真d個感覺, 我到而家只係用緊其中一隻產品(另外個隻遲d先開)同埋我停用sa我其他用緊嘅產品(係呀, toner,essence, night cream全部都停sa)。咁今日要講嘅產品就係:

(English:  In order to get a true effect from the product, I skipped all the follow up skincare like toner, essence, night cream etc.  Hmmmm….*spotlight please*  Tonight I am going to talk about:)

維特健靈 OS-21 冰膜
Vita Green OS-21 Ice Mask

(Price):Original: HK$480/ 50ml, Online: HK$456/ 50ml, Member: HK$432/ 50ml

另外可以加個Refill Pack(入面有7張paper masks同一枝30ml嘅微元天然水)。

(English:  You can also get this refill pack (there are 7 pcs of paper masks inside and a bottle of Natural Water – 30ml.)
淨價 (Price):HK$120/ pack連面膜價 (Including OS-21 Mask):Original: HK$599/ set, Online: HK$569/ set

Product Information:

“陽光,污染,壓力,吸煙,酗酒都會產生不斷攻擊皮膚的敵對分子 – 自由基。OS21 冰膜的功效就像保護膜一樣,幫助平衡自由基對肌膚的傷害,其獨家抗氧化的成份組合能為肌膚充電,一樽就能重塑肌膚的彈性,色素,潤澤度,讓肌膚回復最佳狀態。

適合人士: 25歲或以上,所有皮膚類型。”

(English: “The OS21 range combines the power of Chinese herbs with the finest in Swiss skincare to rejuvenate Oriental complexions and reveal a fresh and radiant glow. Containing phytoestrogens and antioxidants, OS21 products are specially formulated to neutralize the effects of sunlight and pollution, soften and whiten skin, fight wrinkle formation and keep pores clean.”)

哈哈, 真係有d似雪糕個質地呀! 記得要放入雪櫃呀! 因為凍敷係最好, 所以凍d都要忍一忍!

(English:  *laughs*  Really looks like ice cream!  Remember to put it in the fridge!  It works best when it’s cold, so bear with the cold *laughs*!)



(English:  Before I started using it:)

(English:  Get the mask from the fridge.)搽好成塊面。

(English:  Apply it on face.) 再蓋張paper mask喺上面 (如果無買Refill Pack, 呢個步驟可以skip!)。 唔。不得不提敷左呢張paper mask個樣好嚇人, 最好你俾一俾個warning你地d屋企人先。唔係夜媽媽都幾恐怖!

(English:  Put the paper mask on top.  If you haven’t got the refill pack, this step can be skipped.  Hmmmm….have to tell you though…you’d probably look quite scary with the paper mask on, therefore, you might want to give a warning to your family member before in case of any heart attack!!) 張paper mask cover埋頸位㗎! 

(English:  The paper mask can cover the neck area as well.) 然後就噴d Natural Water喺張mask上面(如果無買Refill Pack, 呢個步驟可以skip!)。

(English:  Then spray on the Natural Water on the mask – if you haven’t got the Refill Pack, this can be skipped!) 整好晒就等15-20分鐘。

(English:  Then patiently wait for 15-20mins.) 之後拎就張paper mask。 按摩下塊面就可以過水喇。 如果無買Refill Pack, 搽完之後就咁等15-20分鐘, 之後再按摩下先過水。

(English:  After that, take away the paper mask, massage face a little before rinse.  If you haven’t got the Refill Pack, you can just wait 15-20mins after application, then massage it a bit before rinse.) 搞掂!

(English:  Done!!)連續重複以上步驟7日, 就完成呢個7日急救大法喇。

(English:  Repeat the above steps for 7 consecutive days and you have completed this beauty quick fix!!)

使用次數(No. of Usage):7 times consecutively

用後感:試用呢個面膜嗰陣, 真係咩其他野都無用到, 咁我就可以真真正正知道佢係咪正野喇。 佢有好多功能:保濕,美白,抗皺,緊緻,亮澤,撫平細紋,均勻膚色同淡化色斑等等。 先講保濕, 我覺得好掂。 我用完佢咩都無用去到第二日我上妝個時d化妝品真係超貼面,而且無出油。 呢點就可以証明佢保濕功效超讚。 再講美白,亮澤,均勻膚色, 基本上敷完都即時見到個效果係UP! 我用到第三日, Mr Honey話我白左(哈哈!)。 同埋我用親美白野好易敏感, 我用呢隻mask就一d敏感唔舒服都無, 讚讚讚呀!! 色斑我就未睇到效果, 我諗keep住用就會見到。 至於抗皺,緊緻,撫平細紋, 我都覺得好掂wor, 我見用左幾日我forehead條小紋已經唔見咗, 皮膚都好有彈性, 摸落仲”線”手添。  嘩哈哈, 今次真係大發現呀!  我覺得d大日子(party, 結婚, 影相等等)前前後後都可以用佢嚟keep住個靚樣呀! 真係近期超級推介呀!

(English:  When I tried this mask, I skipped all the follow up skincare products in order to get the true effects.  It offers quite a lot of functions like hydrating, whitening, anti-aging, firming, brightening, diminishing fine lines, evening out skin tone and diminishing dark spots etc.  Let’s talk about hydrating first, its effect is wonderful!  I didn’t use any toner/ essence/ night cream after using this mask.  When I applied makeup on the next day, the makeup went on very smoothly and stayed really close to skin.  Also, I didn’t have any oil secretion the next day, this proves how effective it is on the hydration side.  Moving onto whitening, brightening and evening out skin tone, I could definitely see the brightening effect straight away and after using it for 3 days, Mr Honey actually told me my face was whiter *laughs*!  I usually get allergy from whitening products but I hadn’t had any allergic experience with this jar!  I would say highly recommended though I haven’t seen any improvement in diminishing dark spots (guess you have to keep using it to see the results).  Then regarding anti-aging, firming and diminishing fine lines, I have to say I have NO complaints at all!  After using it for a few days, I noticed the fine line on my forehead was gone, skin has become more elastic and amazingly smooth when touch!  *LAUGHS*  It’s really a BIG discovery for me!!  I would really recommend this, especially pre- and post- BIG days (like party, wedding, photo shoots etc.).  10 thumbs-up!!!)

如果你問我唔用個Refill Pack得唔得, 我都試過, 我覺得就咁用個mask嘅效果都好好, 但係如果加左個Refill Pack呢, 個美白,亮澤,均勻膚色個效果會再明顯好多。 所以如果你平時用, 我覺得有無Refill Pack都得, 但係如果你真係想大日子keep靚樣呢, 就加埋個Refill Pack啦, 咁會靚得盡d!

(English:  If you ask me whether you can skip Refill Pack, I tried that as well.  I think you get good results when using the mask alone, however, if you want more vivid results on brightening, whitening and evening out skin tone, it’s best to use with Refill Pack!!  Definitely use it with the Refill Pack when you have a BIG day coming!!)

秘密: 我好大膽咁講, 呢個mask嘅效果可以比得常見SKII嘅Treatment Mask! 係, 真係, 唔係講笑! 大件事, 我用完呢jar嘅回購度超高!! 入貨~~(又自焚啦~)

(English:  Secret:  I am gonna make a bold statement here, this mask is really comparable to SKII Treatment Mask!  Yes, it’s true from my personal experience (do I sound like I am joking?).  OMG!  I think I have a super high chance repurchasing this product when I run out!!  Yay, stock up!!)

如果你想知呢個OS-21 Ice Mask嘅更多資料, 可以睇 –> 維特健靈 OS-21 冰膜

(English:  If you want to read more about the OS-21 Ice Mask, please click –> Vita Green OS-21 Ice Mask)

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