[保養] 夏天點可以無枝50度既防曬

雖然我唔係成日鍾意美白既女生,但係我好著重膚色係咪均勻,有冇光澤感同埋有冇老化呢幾個問題。今年我都覺得我用美白產品用得特別多,其實係因為我見到有斑斑係我皮膚出現,要係佢地變惡前,我要清除佢地同埋唔好俾佢地惡化!  其實如果保護功夫做得好,美白抗老既效果已經事半功陪!無論去邊咩季節,我都會用防曬產品,只係度數會有唔同。夏天我會用高少少度數既防曬產品。如果我只係去返工,一般我會用25至日30度既防曬產品。但係如果我要係街上面行嚟行去或者係有戶外活動,我會用最少50度既防曬產品!

(English:  Even though I am not a whitening maniac, I still pay great attention to my skin condition – if it’s evenly toned, if it’s bright and if it’s in good condition regarding anti-aging.  I feel that I have been using quite a few whitening products this year, it’s because that I see I have some spots appearing on my cheeks.  I want to kick them away or prevent them from getting worse!  Actually, I think if we protect our skin right, then we achieve half of the results from whitening and anti-aging.  Therefore, no matter where I go and what season, I use sunscreen products, it’s just that the SPF degree is different depending on the situation.  For Summer time, I use sunscreen products with a higher SPF.  If I am just going to work, I usually use a SPF25-30 sunscreen product, however, if I am in the streets most of the day or have some outdoor activities, I would use a sunscreen product with at least SPF50!) 

之前去Sofina既發佈會,其中一隻試用產品就係Alblanc系列既50度防曬! 趁我地啱啱踏入夏天,等我同大家分享下呢隻產品。

(English:  I went to Sofina press release before and one of the trial items is Sofina Alblanc sunscreen with SPF50+!  We just enter into the lovely Summer time and let me share my comments with you on this particular product.)

Sofina Alblanc Medicated UV Protect Emulsion II SPF50+ PA+++ 
潤白美肌防曬乳液 II SPF50+ PA+++

價錢(Price):HK$390/ 30ml

Product Information:

高效及長時間防禦UVA及UVB, 適合作為長時間外出或於陽光下的護理。
(English: SOFINA ALBLANC Medicated UV Protect Emulsion SPF50+ PA+++ is an emsulsion-type Japanese moisturizer with UV protection that promotes circulation to keep skin smooth and bright. It is formulated with “JP Multi Effector” to keep skin hydrated. It protects skin against UV and environmental damages. 4 types available to suit all moisture level needs (I being the lightest formulation).


After Blend:

On Face (Before):

On Face (After):

使用次數(No. of Usage):7 times
用後感:佢個質感好清爽,無咩特別香味。 枝出嚟見佢個質地都係比較稀身,上面之後好快吸收,感覺好爽唔痴面。呢點我最buy! 夏天已經野都唔想搽, 如果個質感厚身我一定唔會用。 呢枝產品無厚重呢個問題,讚! 仲要Sofina既產品係可以搽埋眼部位置,唔洗左一枝右一枝。用呢枝已經可以照顧眼部面部皮膚,唔會有兩隻色情況出現。 掂! 我亦都好鍾意佢用上面之後係無咩色,效果唔會無啦啦白到唔見得人! 正! 仲要佢可以做埋Makeup Base, 即係話,如果你唔洗用base改善膚色,你就咁用完呢個防曬之後可以直接上粉底!超方便啦! 但係如果你係油性皮膚呢,你要留意自己用另一隻產品控油先再用粉底,因為呢隻產品係無控油效果架! 如果你揾緊隻高防曬度嘅產品,我超推呢隻!一來用途多,二來又可以清爽地保護皮膚!十個正呀!!回購度好高!
(English:  Product Review:  Its texture is really light and it doesn’t contain any strange scent.  It looks really light and when it’s applied on skin, it’s absorbed really quickly and it’s not sticky at all!  I really love this point!  Most of the time, we don’t want to apply anything during Summer, if it’s thick, I would definitely give up the item.  And I really love how light it is on skin!  Brilliant!  Also Sofina’s products can be applied on eye areas as well, we don’t have to separate into different products.  This one single product takes care of both eye and face areas and it helps to ensure that one skin tone will be maintained!  Wonderful!  I also love the fact that it’s almost transparent when applied on skin – and it’s great for me because I hate to have white face!  It can be used as makeup base as well, that means, if you don’t have using a corrective base habit, you can just use this and then apply foundation afterwards.  Since this product doesn’t have oily control function, if you have oily skin types, you would need another product to control oil on certain areas.  If you are looking for a sunscreen with high SPF, I would surely recommend this one!  It can be used as sunscreen and makeup base and it’s really light on skin!  Highly recommended!  It’s on my re-purchasing list!)
(the product information is extracted from http://web.sofina.com/hk)

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