My 5 Makeup Steps That I Can’t Live Without


1. 化妝底霜:因為我無朝早搽好多野既習慣,所以化妝底霜對我都好緊要,我通常用保濕既,所以一次過可以幫我皮膚保濕而又令我個妝貼d。

2. 粉底:就算唔搽其他化妝品都好,我都想有完美皮膚,同埋香港太多塵又太多廢氣,所以我當係用粉底去保護下皮膚,等d廢氣唔好直接接觸到我皮膚。 我見外國有人話皮膚唔搽粉底好左好多,外國空氣好就得,香港太多pollution,我反而係有搽粉底出街個期,皮膚好d。好怪。 呢個係我近兩年研究左好多次得出黎既結論! 個個人唔同啦。

3. 定妝粉: 都係個句,我習慣用定妝粉,因為就算個粉底好爽都好,我都會定妝等個妝持久d同埋如果唔定妝,個粉底會痴手,我成日覺得行到出街會痴塵。 所以都係同我當係保護皮膚有關。

4. 眼線: 我條眉唔算淺色,所以就算唔加色都可以,而我帶眼鏡,所以mascara對我黎講都唔係好緊要,不過眼線就會令我精神好多。 就算我無時間畫條好靚既線,我都會用眼線筆油下內眼線既位置,望落有神好多同埋睫毛會密好多。

5. 有色唇膏: 要快又要有血色我就用有色唇膏,一次過潤咀同埋加色,通常搽呢個我都唔洗睇鏡,所以可以一路行一路搽! 哈哈!! 夠哂快。



(English:  Everyone’s 5 must-have makeup steps are going to be different.  If time permits, of course I would want to apply a full face of makeup before I go out of my door.  But sometimes, I do have those moments whereby I need to go out [almost] immediately after a call or time just doesn’t permit, so the followings are my 5 makeup steps that I can’t live without.

1. Makeup Base: Since I don’t really have a morning routine, makeup base is a very important step for me.  I usually go for something hydrating, so it could add back the moisture in my face and also help my makeup to stick nicely.


2. Foundation:  If I have to go without other colours, I would still want my skin to look flawless.  The pollution issue in Hong Kong is serious, so I treat my foundation as a protective layer for my skin, in turn the dust and all those gross bacteria won’t be in direct contact with my skin.  I saw that other YouTubers in other countries saying that their skin is so much better without using foundation.  I think their air is so much better than ours and that’s why, Hong Kong just has too much pollution.  I notice that my skin actually has less problems if I wear foundation often.  I know – it’s strange and it’s what I notice in the recent 2 years.  Again, everyone is different.

3. Loose Powder/ Pressed Powder: Again, I do use these to set my makeup.  I do it regardless even the foundation is a light one: 1. I want my makeup to last longer 2. if I don’t set my makeup, the foundation still feels a bit sticky on skin, I always suspect that the dust and dirt will stick on my foundation when I walk out my door.  So I treat this as a protective layer too.

4.  Eyeliner:  My brows are thick enough and sometimes I could go without enhancing it.  I wear glasses so mascara is not extremely important to me.  However, an eyeliner would make me look more awake.  Sometimes I really haven’t got the time to fuss around my eyeliner, but I still use it to tight line, it doesn’t make me look more human and also my lashes would seem to be fuller.

5. Tinted Lip Balm:  When I want something super quick to add back some liveliness into my face, I would opt for a tinted lip balm which moisturises and adds back the colour in one go.  For this step, I usually don’t need my mirror, so I could apply when I am fast-walking (I never run in the streets).  Yea, this has to be the best one.

Right, this is it.  Everyone must have different preferences and I thought sharing mine today would be quite fun!)

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