如果大家一直有緊貼我泰國敗家片或者泰國必買片,應該都留意到一個我經常提及的泰國本土平價品牌: 4U2。 之前我也分享過他們的四色眼影及胭脂,上個月去泰國的時候又再入手其他產品,今天先跟大家分享這款兩色的眼影。
If you have been following me closely on my Thailand Haul and Thailand must-buy videos, you would have noticed that I mentioned this affordable local Thailand brand, 4U2, a lot. I did blog posts on their eyeshadow quads and blushes before, and I got more stuff last month when I was in Thailand, so today let me share my thoughts on their 2-coloured eyeshadows with you first.
4U2 FOR YOU TOO Eyeshadow ฿199

我回來香港查一查他們的網站,發現四色眼影已經不存在,不知道是否已經停產。 不打緊,我覺得這款兩色的眼影非常小巧,顏色配襯也非常實用,我今次入手了三個顏色。
When I got back to Hong Kong, I checked their website and discovered that the quads disappeared, not sure if they were discontinued. No worry, I find these 2-coloured ones very handy and cute; the colour combination is very spot on as well. I got 3 of them this time.
試色/ Swatches:

No.11 She is not: 兩個顏色都是閃底
For No.11 She is not, both colours are shimmery-based

No.12 Same as above: 一個顏色是閃底,另一個顏色是霧面
For No.12 Same as above, one is shimmery-based while the other is matte

No.14 No big deal: 一個顏色是閃底,另外一個顏色帶輕微閃粉
For No.14 No big deal, one is shimmery-based while the other has a bit of shimmer
我覺得粉質跟之前四色眼影一樣細滑,顯色度高。 配色也非常日常,很容易用。 而且份量少沒太大壓力,不會覺得自己一世也用不完。 價錢也非常平價,就算想試一些自己不常用的顏色,價錢也容易接受。 我自己很喜歡他們的眼影,我覺得是泰國必買平價好物。如果到泰國旅遊,必定要到Eve and Boy看看4U2,你可能都會跟我一樣愛上他家的產品!
I find its quality very similar to the quads that I talked about before, the powder is smooth to touch with good pigmentation. The colour combination is very day-to-day and wearable. I also like that it comes in smaller sizes, I don’t feel the pressure of not being able to use it up. The price point is lovely, and even if I want to try some other colours, I wouldn’t feel the pain in my wallet that much! I love their eyeshadows and I think it’s one of those Thailand must-buy items! If you travel to Thailand, be sure to check 4U2 in Eve and Boy, you might fall in love with the brand like I do as well.