[保養] 四款開架面膜齊齊講 4 Brands of Drugstore Sheet Masks

屋企有好多好多sheet mask, 有d得一張有d係一盒! 我諗咗好耐我應該點同大家分享。 照計我應該每一隻寫一篇文章, 但係我覺得感覺會好散(因為有d得一張)。 我諗諗下不如整個串燒, 等大家有個比較邊隻好d, 咁我用完一款又可以分享下。 就係咁就出呢個post喇。 哈哈!! 我每用完一隻就即刻記錄低, 所以呢篇文章集合咗幾日既effort, 如果大家覺得鍾意同有用, 我未來都可以寫多d呢類既文章! 好! 開始喇!!

(English: I have tons of sheet masks at home and some are a piece and some are a few pieces in a box!  I have been thinking how I should share my comments with you.  Normally, I would dedicate a blog post to a type of sheet mask, but then I feel it’s all over the place (since some are just one piece).  After some thoughts, I have decided to create a post which include a few different sheet masks together, then you can compare which works better for you.  Hence this blog post.  Since I will be recording my comments right after I use each of the sheet mask, that means this blog contains effort from a few days combined.  If you like this kind of style and find this useful, then I can certainly write up more similar blog posts in the future!  Great – let’s get started!!)

Hisamitsu Lifecella 美容液面膜 Ceramide
Sheet Mask – Ceramide

價錢(Price):HK$54.9/ 1 box (including 5 pcs) @Sasa

Product Information:

Each piece of sheet mask contains not less than 20ml hydrating
essence.  It contains CEramide and NMF.  It doesn’t create burden on
skin and it’s very gentle on skin.  It effectively hydrates skin and
keeps skin healthy.)

使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感:價錢方面日本仔開架sheet mask黎講都算好親民! 貼面度唔錯, 雖然佢有好多精華液係張mask入面, 但係佢無滴野! 呢點唔錯。
我覺得佢都幾保濕, 但係敷完唔會叮一聲, 只係會見到皮膚比未敷前有多咗水份。 個效果大概last兩日。 如果你對眼同我一樣都比較敏感,
咁你要留意, 因為我敷既時候, 佢有d攻眼(雖然佢有得敷埋眼, 但係我無), 我敷完呢個mask隻眼會有少少紅。 整體感覺效果一般啦,
做到保濕,如果你鍾意成日敷mask都OK, 但係少數怕長計, 因為佢效果唔持久, 所以如果成日敷既話自己要計下個cost係咪都可以買到大牌產品。

推唔推介: 我唔會特別推介呢隻。 原因係除左上面講既野外, 我仲覺得如果佢講到個mask咁溫和,點解我會眼紅呢?

(English:  Product Review:
For Japanese drugstore sheet mask, the price is friendly.  It fits onto
my face nicely.  Even though it contains so much essence, it doesn’t
drip on me when it sits on my face.  I feel that it’s quite hydrating,
but nothing surprising.  I see that my skin is more hydrated than before
and the effect lasts around 2 days – that’s about it.  If your eyes are
sensitive like mine, please beware that the mask might irritate your
eyes.  When I apply it on my face (even though it can cover the eye
areas, but I haven’t), it stinks my eyes.  My eyes turn red a bit after
the mask application.  Overall speaking, it’s an average performing
mask, it hydrates and if you like using face mask a lot, then it might
be OK.  But costs do add up!  Since the effect is not long-lasting,
therefore if you use it all the time, you have to see if you can get
something better with all that money spent on this mask.

Recommend or Not: 
Nah, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this mask.  The reason is (apart
from what I mentioned about) if it says to be so gentle, why does it
irritate my eyes?)


Korean Sooae Snail EGF Essence Mask Pack

價錢(Price):HK$24.9/ pc (Original Price) –> HK$18.9/ pc (Discounted) @Watsons

Product Information:

(English:  Moisturizing, anti-aging and revitalizing.)

使用次數(No. of Usage):2 times

用後感:呢隻係韓國面膜! 佢塊面膜好薄好貼面, 精華都好多, 唔會一路敷一路滴! 敷完個下好保濕(唔潤), 皮膚好有彈性, 同埋我覺得佢有少少拉提效果(塊面firm咗)。 最正係敷完好白淨,好正!! 效果維持到三四日! 雖然價錢都要成HK$20張, 但係效果好掂!

推唔推介:推推推!!! 好正呀!!! 我用完哂我既存貨都會會購!!! 掂呀!!

(English:  Product Review:  This is a Korean sheet mask!!  The cloth is very thin and stays really close to skin.  It contains a lot of essence but it won’t drip all over my top when I have the mask on my face.  After application, skin feels hydrated (not overly moisturizing), bouncy and I feel that the mask has a bit of a firming function (my face feels firmer than before).  The most brilliant thing is that skin color is toned up as well!!!  Nice!!  The effect lasts around 3-4 days!!  Even though the price is not too friendly (around HK$20 for one), its effect is amazing!!)

Recommend or Not:  Highly recommend!!!  It’s brilliant!!  After I clear up my stock, I will repurchase as well!!!  Wonderful!)

Korean Sooae Snail Whitening Essence Mask Pack

價錢(Price):HK$24.9/ pc (Original Price) –> HK$18.9/ pc (Discounted) @Watsons

Product Information:

(English:  Whitening, brightening and removing pigmentation.)

使用次數(No. of Usage):2 times

用後感:同上面個隻一樣! 張mask好薄好多精華。 呢隻主打美白但係我用唔覺得明顯白淨咗! Overall我覺得呢隻效果無上面個隻明顯!

推唔推介:唔推呢隻! 會推上面個隻!

(English:  Product Review:  Similar to the one above, the mask contains a lot of essence.  This one is for whitening but I don’t feel major difference after application.  Overall speaking, the effect is not as obvious as the one above.)

Recommend or Not: Nah, I won’t recommend this one.  I would recommend the one above instead. )

Hello Kitty x Sexylook
Q10 玫瑰果潤白親膚面膜

價錢(Price):Not Sure @Mannings

Product Information:

(English:  It hydrates skin nicely and whiten skin.)
使用次數(No. of Usage):1 times

用後感:隻面膜都好薄好貼面。 精華都多。 敷完我覺得佢效果好得! 好保濕塊面亦都變得好有光澤!!  摸落又滑又緊緻。 效果維持到兩三日, 唔錯!


(English:  Product Review:  This mask is again quite thin and fits onto skin really well.  There is quite a lot of essence on the mask as well.  I really love the results!  Very hydrating and it brightens skin up really well.  When I touch my skin, it’s smooth and firm.  The effect lasts around 2-3 days!!  Nice!!)

Recommend or Not: Yes.  Highly recommend!!  Good stuff!! )

其實我仲有好多款係屋企呀!! 我唔想一次過講好多隻, 因為會好長, 所以我分開講, 每次講幾隻咁啦!! 我會繼續出有關sheet mask既blog post!!

(English:  Actually I still have many different sheet masks at home!  I don’t want to talk about them all in one go because it would make the blog post very lengthy, therefore, I separate them into different posts.  I will keep writing about them till I finish all sheet mask at home!!)



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