[保養] 3D立體滋潤面膜

自從之前重拾舊款開始用翻肌美精既面膜,之後我都開始留意呢個品牌! 有sis同我講佢其他既面膜都好好用,所以我又揀咗兩款黎試下同大家分享一下。 今日先講咗其中一款3D立體面膜先!

(English:  I have been paying attention to Kracie’s masks since my last encounter with my old love!!  Some people told me that many of the Kracie’s masks are good stuff, so I picked a couple up and thought I would share my comments with you all.  Today, I am going to talk about this 3D one first!!)


Kracie Hadabisei Moisturizing 3D Facial Mask (Hyaluronic Acid)


價錢(Price):HK$88/ box (4 pcs) @CitySuper

Product Information:


(English:  Experience the 3D design and it takes care of your jaw line as well.  It fits onto face nicely and excel its moisturizing function.”





使用次數(No. of Usage):3 times

用後感:其實一睇到3D我又無咩好強動力去試,因為我之前用過Foodaholic,佢麻麻地貼面。 不過有sis同我講呢隻爆好用,咁我又好奇想試下! 你地睇圖都見啦, 佢3D黎講都算貼,同埋佢包得好實,又包埋下顎位,好貼心!! 呢隻mask另外一個強既地方就係佢一張mask有30ml精華!! 真係好多!! 但係佢又係唔會一路敷一路滴! 正!! 我自己就敷20分鐘,之後就過一過水,因為我覺得佢都潤,所以我會過水。 過完水之後,皮膚係超級滋潤同埋超有彈力!! 仲白淨咗添!! 個效果仲維持到兩三日!! 正正正!! 我覺得呢個mask特別適合乾性既皮膚,如果你係好乾既人,敷完唔過水都得呀!! 如果你係中性/混合性皮膚,我都建議敷完之後過水。但係如果你係油性皮膚,我覺得呢個mask唔係好啱你,你有可能會覺得潤過頭!! 呢個我覺得遲少少秋天用仲正!! 我到時會再勁入貨!! 哈哈!!!

(English:  Product Review:  When I saw the word 3D, I wasn’t too excited because I used Foodaholic ones before, but they don’t fit onto face too well.  However, some people said this one was brilliant, so I was curious!  As you can see in the pictures, it fits onto skin OK and it does wrap around your face very nicely (and it covers the lower jaw as well)!!  Good.  Another wonderful point about this face mask is that each sheet contains 30ml of essence.  That’s definitely a lot of essence in one piece of mask,  but no worries, it won’t drip!  I usually have it on for 20 mins, then I would rinse my face.  I feel that it’s very moisturizing, so I would rinse my face to make sure it’s not too heavy on my skin.  After rinsing, skin is super hydrated and elastic!!  It’s brightened up as well!!  The effect lasts for 2-3 days.  Very good!!!  I feel that this is more suitable for dry skin types.  If you have super dry skin, you probably don’t need to rinse your face after.  If you have normal/ combination skin type, I would suggest you rinse off the excess.  If you have oily skin type, I don’t think this mask is suitable for you as you might feel that it’s overly moisturizing!  I believe this 3D mask is perfect for Autumn and Winter time, I will definitely repurchase at that time!! *Winks*)

哈哈!!! 之前我都講過佢另外兩隻mask,如果你未睇,你可以click下面條link睇翻!! 有sis同我講佢有隻紅色都好用!! 哈哈!! 我要試哂呢個品牌既面膜先得!

(English:  *Laughs*  I have talked about Kracie’s other masks before.  If you haven’t read it yet, please click the link!  Also, people have been telling me the red one is good too.  Right, I think I have to try all of Kracie’s masks!!)

[保養] 多年大愛Kracie肌美精深層美白面膜+新品緊緻彈力眼膜



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