呢盒3CE九宮格眼影 #OVERTAKE我買咗亦用咗好一段時間,但係我竟然冇出過blog post,所以今日補翻先。 甩口罩要化靚妝等大家有多啲選擇。
I had been using this 3CE Eyeshadow Palette #OVERTAKE for a good while, I think it’s time to swatch them for you and write a proper blog post.
3CE Eyeshadow Palette #OVERTAKE HK$329


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呢盒#OVERTAKE可以話係佢哋其中一款最熱賣嘅眼影。 9個顏色,深、中、淺、閃、唔閃都照顧晒。 大地色系得嚟有少少帶橙,好適合亞洲人嘅膚色,搽完勁精神。 我當日買完返嚟日日都用,佢好易用,連初學baby應該都好易上手。 佢可以做到日常淡妝,晚妝,或者比較搶眼但係唔over既妝感,我自己好鍾意呢盒眼影,亦都係因為佢,我先開始留意其他3CE既眼影盤。 你話佢功勞幾大! 粉質方面,以呢個價錢嚟講,我覺得唔錯,起碼出色唔鞋手。 如果要出色度持久度再高啲,用佢之前用返眼影打底霜就可以丫! 有興趣可以去佢哋counter試下。
#OVERTAKE is one of 3CE’s best sellers. It comes in 9 shades – dark, middle, light, shimmery and matte are all included. It’s leaning towards earth tone but with an orange hint; I think it blends with Asian skin tone really well and it sort of wakes us up a bit more. It’s one of my favourite eyeshadow palettes, I love how easy to use and it’s good for makeup newbies too. It’s quite versatile, you can create day makeup, night makeup and everything in between. I love it! Quality-wise, I think it’s good given the price tag, it’s pigmented and it doesn’t feel rough; but if you want a higher pigmentation and longevity, you can always add an eyeshadow primer prior applying your eyeshadows. If you are interested, go to their counters to check it out.