3 Tips to Help Your Skin Transition Into Autumn

下星期就10月,即係話我地又到轉季時候。 護膚品你可能未用完手頭上既未想轉住,不如我同你分享下我一D轉季小tips,等你可以快d用完手頭上既產品,亦同時為皮膚進補定等可以做少少做好準備去適應變個既天氣。 我覺得呢一步對我黎講好重要,我會唔會突然敏感都好睇我呢期有幾努力照顧皮膚,好,等我同大家分享下丫!

(English:  We are approaching October next week which means we are stepping into the changing of weather.  Skincare-wise, you might still have a few that you are currently using and you don’t really want to let them go before using them up.  Well, I could share a few tips to prepare your skin for transiting into Autumn.  These will help you to use up your current items and at the same time, you amp up the skincare routine game so that when Autumn arrives, your skin won’t be in shock.  These few steps are important to me, basically these are crucial in the sense that whether my skin would act up or not.  Right, let’s get into it.)

1. 增加保濕面膜次數:我之前都有講過唔洗日日敷面膜,一星期一兩次基本上都夠。 但係轉季前最好等皮膚多d水份,皮膚健康既話,就無咁易一變天氣唔夠水變得非常乾或者敏感。 我平日一星期敷一至兩次保濕面膜,但係轉天氣前,我會增加到三至四次,我會連續咁樣做一個月,到真係變乾既時候,皮膚唔會因為唔夠水而起變化。 轉好咗季,我又會減到一至兩次。 我每年記得做呢個動作既話,個年皮膚轉季唔會大問題,同埋乾d既天氣我會轉d潤身既面膜,所以可以襯乾之前用埋手頭上比較清爽既產品,一據兩得!

(English:  1. Increase the Hydrating Face Mask Frequency:  I did mention that you don’t need to do face masks every day, basically 1-2 times a week is good enough.  However, to prepare for the weather change, it’s better for skin to have more hydration.  If skin is healthy, it’s less likely to act crazy.  I usually do hydrating face masks 1-2 times a week, but I would amp it up to 3-4 times a week for a month just before the real dryness hits.  The logic is that you boost up the moisture inside your skin and then it won’t be in shortage when the weather suddenly turns extremely dry.  After the weather settles down, I will decrease the hydrating masks back to 1-2 times a week.  I have to say for the years that I remember to do this, I don’t have any problems with my skin transitioning into Autumn.  Well not to mention I would want to change to some richer hydrating masks anyway in Autumn and Winter, so it’s really time to use up what I have.)

2. 精華打媽搽兩層:我當你好simple routine,精華都係保濕為主。 轉季想轉枝潤身d既保濕精華,但係手頭上個枝好清爽既都仲有一定份量,唔用好浪費。 我通常轉季前,會double up layer,即係話洗完面好似平日咁先搽一層保濕精華,等佢吸收咗,我會再搽多一層,等佢吸收埋,我先搽面霜。 總之就係未打到黎就俾皮膚飲多多水。 呢個方法有時好乾既日子我都會用。 但係一定要俾時間皮膚吸收,你唔俾佢吸係無用架!

(English:  Double Layer Hydrating Serum:  I assume you have a simple routine and your serum is for hydration.  In the coming seasons, you probably want to switch to another hydrating serum with a richer texture.  Well, but you still have the light one on hand and you wouldn’t want to waste your product.  Totally understand.  For me – just before the change of season, I will double up the layer.  After cleansing, I will use the hydrating serum, let it absorb, and then I will apply another layer of the same hydrating serum, again let it absorb just I whack on some moisturiser.  The idea is really simple, I really want to give my skin as much hydration as possible before the series dryness kicks in.  I would also use this method on those “specially dry” days.  One note:  please make sure you let one layer absorb first before applying the next, otherwise, it’s absolutely useless.)

3. 面霜當係按摩膏: 呢個敏感皮膚同埋痘痘皮膚我都唔建議。 我自己面易紅同敏感,但係我forehead位好乾,所以我按只按forehead位,但係我唔會全面按喇。 除咗水份,皮膚都要油份,所以我會用平日用開既面霜(因為轉季我又要jar更加潤身既,所以要用埋清爽d個jar野),係搽完哂精華之後,拎多比平日搽面霜一倍既份量,係要按摩既位置按一至兩分鐘,其實皮膚會吸咗好多,如果仲有痴既感覺,拎咗紙巾印一印多餘既,之後就去訓覺。 皮膚會又潤又細緻!


(English:  Massage with Your Moisturiser: This method is not for sensitive skin or acne-prone skin.  My face gets red and irritated really easily, but my forehead is very dry, so I only use this method on my forehead and I won’t use it on any other areas.  Apart from water, oil is important when it comes to healthy skin, so I would use my regular moisturiser (well, I really want to change to another richer moisturiser for the coming season, so I need to use this one up!), after applying my serum, I take a double portion and massage on my needed areas for 1-2 minutes.  You will notice your skin would absorb quite a bit!  If I still feel sticky afterwards, I would use a tissue to press off the excess and then go to bed.  Skin would become more moisturised and refined!

Hopefully these tips are helpful to you and wish you beautiful skin in the coming months!)

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