[碎碎念] 生日禮物 2013

之前講咗生日其中一份大禮, 今日再講埋其他生日禮物。 有d係朋友送啦, 有d係因為生日各大品牌寄咗DM黎叫我去拎既試用裝/生日禮物! 全部都好鍾意同實用丫! 一齊望下:

(English:  I have dedicated a blog post on a big birthday gift previously and today I want to share the other gifts with you.  Some are given by friends and some are samples/ gifts from different beauty brands (they mailed the DM to me and I had to go get the pressies from the counters)!  I love all of them because they are all very practical!!!  Let look at each one:)


Cats in Hats Calendar

好可愛呀!! 朋友知我鍾意貓貓, 所以買咗呢個俾我!! 哈哈!! 好得意!! 十二個月張張唔同!!

(English:  Super cute!!  My friend knows that I love cats and got this for me!! *Laughs*  Very interesting!!  Each month, you get a different kitty with different hats!!)

Leopard Neck Support Cushion

呢個都好正!! 豹紋係我既最愛!! 無論佢係咩, 係豹紋就愛啦!! 個質感都好得意又實用。 我唔係用佢係頸, 我用佢係腰!! 哈哈!!

(English:  This is really cool too!!  Leopard is my favorite print!!  I don’t really care what the physical thing is as long as it’s leopard!!  The texture is quite interesting and I am getting a lot of use out of this, not behind my neck, but behind my back!!)

Jill Stuart Eau de White Floral

個樽真係好夢幻!! 好靚!! 仲有個J字添! 哈哈!! 個味呢, 我會另外再分享!!

(English:  The bottle is very fancy!!  Amazing!!  It has the word “J” as well!! *Grins*  I will share in a separate post about the scent and everything later!!)


Rabeanco Clutch

之前睇中咗! 我一直都好想揾個型得黎又實用既clutch,就睇中咗呢個!! 點知生日收到, 開心到爆呀!!! 我已經影咗穿搭文feature呢個clutch!! 聽日出,有興趣要留意喇!

(English:  OMG!!  I wanted to get this before my birthday as I had been on the hunt for a really cool and practical clutch – yep fell in love with this one!!  Guess what?  I got it on my birthday!!!  I was soooooooo happy!!!  I have already shot the photos featuring this clutch!!  Will post tomorrow, if you are interested, stay tuned!)

Dior Addict Lip Maximizer

好出名, 但係未用過! 收到又可以試下佢呢個皇牌!! 正!!

(English:  Very famous but I haven’t tried it before!!  Good that I got this and now I can try it out and see what’s so special about this!!  Nice!!)

Dior Samples

哈哈!! 正!! 橫掂禁敗一百日, 收到samples覺得好啱洗丫!!

(English:  *Laughs*  Brilliant!!  I am on the spending ban and getting samples would be very useful to me!!)

Viktor & Rolf

個樽好靚既香水!! 又多隻香味用! 似乎我d friend都知我超愛香水丫!!  隻味我另外再分享!

(English:  Fragrance in fancy bottle!!!  One more scent to explore!!  It seems that everyone knows I love smelling good *laughs*!!  I will share the scent and everything else in a separate post!!)

SK-II Dermodefiniton UV Lotion

呢枝唔係friend送, 係我之前買夠野用分換, 咁啱我生日有得拎, 我就當埋佢係生日禮物喇!

(English:  This is not given by a friend.  It’s redeemed through my points accumulated in my previous purchase.  It just came in time for my birthday, therefore I call it a birthday present as well!)


Chanel No. 5 Eau De Parfum 5ml

爆開心呀!! 去counter拎呢份生日禮物個陣因為我唔知會係咩, 我無咩感覺。 點知我一見係呢粒好cute既香水sample, 我笑咗成日呀!! 當然唔會用啦, 會用黎decorate!! 好靚!!

(English:  Insanely happy!!!  When I arrived at the counter, I didn’t know what I was picking up, so I didn’t feel too much excitement.  But when I saw this cute tiny bottle, I laughed!!!  Of course, I am not going to use this.  This is more for decorating purpose!!)

仲有其他Chanel samples:

(English:  Other samples from Chanel:)

fresh Hesperides Grapefruit Bath & Shower Gel 

& Body Lotion

唔錯唔錯!! 我超愛呢隻味道!!

(English:  Nice stuff!!  I really love this scent!!)

Estee Lauder Samples:

Estee Lauder既生日禮物! 唔錯, 都好實用!! 但係我就未開喇!! 哈哈!

(English:  Birthday present from Estee Lauder!!!  Very nice and very practical!!!  I haven’t opened them yet to try though….)

Kiehl’s Samples

Kiehl’s年年都送野! 真係一個好有心既品牌!! 仲要d野係唔細枝!!! 我用左再分享啦~

(English:  Kiehl’s gives birthday presents to me each year and I am definitely impressed with the amount of care in the company.  The sizes of these products are not tiny as well!!  I will share more after I use them~)

Lancome Samples

兩枝皇牌精華既samples!! 希望我用完唔會好燒啦!!

(English:  Two of Lancome’s star product samples!!  Hopefully I won’t be tempted after using them!!)

好開心好多野!! 多謝各位好友同埋品牌既生日禮物!! 雖然而家我禁敗,但係都係一個好好既機會去俾我試下唔同既sample, 唔知用完呢堆野我會敗邊隻既full size呢?

(English:  Really happy and really thankful for everything!!  Thanks again friends and brands for the amazing birthday gifts!!  Even though I am on the spending ban, I feel happy about being able to try the different samples that I have.  Which full size I will get getting after trying out the samples?)


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