[化妝] 台灣1028三款眼影盒Brownie, Toffee, Macaron分享分析

大家去台灣其中一個要敗既產品應該都係1028既眼影盒喇~之前有網友去台灣送咗一盒Brownie俾我,咁我上網又見到好多人話三盒當中Brownie最好用,今次去台灣,我決定買埋另外新出個兩盒研究下同分享俾大家聽! 以下就係試色圖同埋一d我個人既睇法喇,希望幫到唔知買邊盒既你啦~~

(English:  One of the must haul items when you go to Taiwan is 1028 eye palette~~  An online friend went to Taiwan before and bought me a Brownie.  Then I saw many online reviews saying that Brownie is the best one within the three.  So when I went to Taiwan this time, I decided to haul the other two hoping to do a comparison and share my thoughts.  The followings are the swatches and my person opinion on the three palettes, hopefully it would help you to make the right choice~~)

1028 Brownie Eyes


Available at Watsons or 康是美 in Taiwan


用後感:顏色係超實用既大地色系。 難怪咁多人都讚呢盒顏影! 我覺得佢左上一同左上二兩個顏色既質感鞋d同粉咁重d之外,其他顏色都好滑好上色creamy同blend得好好。 我覺得如果你喜好大地色系既顏色,你去台灣絕對可以選擇呢盒! 佢個價錢超親民,真係一個非常好既平價選擇!!

(English: Product Review: The colors are very earth tone based and very practical, no wonder everyone praises this particular palette!  I feel that the left 1 and left 2 colors on the upper row feel quite rough on skin and quite powdery, other than that, all the others are pigmented, creamy and blendable.  I feel that if you love earth tone colors, this is a good item to get when you are in Taiwan!!  The price is super friendly and it’s a great affordable choice!!)

1028 Toffee Eyeshadow Kit

Available at Watsons or 康是美 in Taiwan

用後感: 顏色同Brownie唔同,但係色tone都係差唔多,但係我覺得呢個palette入面大部份顏色既質感都係好鞋! 基本上上面個一行既顏色全部都鞋身同埋d閃粉太大粒搞到有d一達達個感覺。 下面個行好少少,都幾creamy既。 不過我覺得整體黎講係失望,因為顏色唔特別得黎d粉質無改進之餘反而差咗。 似係見到Brownie好賣無諗清楚就出呢個palette。 呢個palette我唔覺得雷,只係相比之下,我覺得你可以揀Brownie唔洗揀呢個。

 (English:  Product Review:  The colors are different than Brownie’s but it’s on the same tone.  However, I find that many of the colors feel rough in this palette.  Basically the 3 colors on the upper rows feel rough and the glitters are too big to a point that they are not blending really well.  The lower row is better, the colors feel quite creamy.  Well I would say overall speaking, this palette is a disappointment because the colors are not that different than Brownie’s and instead of making an improvement on the eyeshadow formula, they have gone worse.  It seems to me that they have jumped on the band wagon of the first success and didn’t think thoroughly before they released this.  I don’t think this is totally rubbish, but by comparison, I would rather you choose Brownie than this one!)

1028 Macaron Eyeshadow Kit

Available at Watsons or 康是美 in Taiwan

用後感: 1028最新作品(亦都係最易買到)。 呢盒既顏色唔同咗喇,比較pink,比較淺色。 如果你鍾意韓風個種光亮眼皮感,你可以望下呢個! 我覺得佢既粉質係最好個一盒,因為佢得右下一隻色係鞋身,其他都好滑好上色。 如果你對呢盒個顏色有興趣,我都推俾你既。

 (English:  Product Review: The latest release from 1028 (and the most available in the market).  The colors in this one is quite different than the previous ones, this is more on the pinky side and is consisted of quiet a few lighter shades.  If you like the Korean style of having bright eyelids, then you might want to check out this one!  I feel that the quality of the shadow of this palette is the best amongst the three because only one color (bottle right 1) feels rough, all the others actually feel smooth and pigmented!  If you like the colors, I would recommend this to you too!)

總結: 我覺得睇下你鍾意咩顏色,最值得買既係Brownie同Macaron,因意為佢地顏色好,普遍粉質都好。 但係Toffee我就真係唔太建議,除非你話你好鍾佢入面既顏色啦,如果你買,要有心理準備佢大部份顏色粉質好鞋!!

(English:  Summary:  Depending on which color you like, I would recommend either Brownie or Macaron because the colors are nice and most of the colors feel smooth and pigmented.  However for Toffee, I wouldn’t give my thumbs-up unless you say you really like the colors there and just a reminder, if you buy Toffee, be prepared that the quality is not as great!!)



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