[化妝] 超級線手控油了得既100%天然碎粉

上個星期我上去A-Plus度check下塊面(d Botox效果)同埋幫朋友book做去扁平疣。之後我同Anna 8下去斑做d咩會好d,其實我斑都唔係多,但係有幾粒我覺得好annoying,佢見我斑唔係多,就suggest我用搽嘅先睇下效果點樣。 搽當然係好啦! 之後我再望望下見同一個牌子有個碎粉,之前Ming Ming Mart都有介紹過(不過當時睇片係無燒到,因為明知佢地係賣野)。好奇之下又玩下,玩玩下帶埋翻屋企添(我成日都咁手多!!!)。 今日我先講個碎粉,因為去斑個枝野我要用耐d先睇到效果。

(English: Last week, I went to A-plus to have my face looked at (Botox result) and I helped my friend to book an appointment for clearing verruca plana.  Then I was catching up with Anna on what’s the best method for clearing freckles or pigments.  Indeed, I don’t have too many pigments on my face, but a few of them are quite annoying! She saw that I didn’t have loads of pigments, she recommended me to use some skincare instead and see if it works!  Great, I am a skincare junkie anyway!  Then I was browsing around and saw that there is a loose powder product in the same brand, Ming Ming Mart recommended it before on YouTube (but I wasn’t tempted at that point because I know the purpose of video was creating business).  I was curious so I started playing with it and usually the story goes with “I got them home” *laughs*.  I am going to talk about the loose powder today, since I would need some more time to test out the pigment-removing item!)

Priori Perfecting Minerals 100% Natural
Finishing Touch SPF25

價錢(Price):HK$480/ 14g

(English:  If you are a client of A-Plus, you will get a discounted price and of course if you tell them you are a friend of Hakme, you will get the special price as well!!)

Product Information:

“Buff over the top of your minerals to set them in place for a stay-fresh look. CoffeeBerry® Finishing Touch keeps
oily shine in check and has a natural, matte finish. Gentle on skin
with a “light-as-a-feather,” luxurious formulation. Creates a
flattering, naturally perfected finish with minerals that scatter light
to diminish the appearance of fine lines, and pores seem invisible. It
is the natural finishing touch with ingredients that look great, feel
great and care for your skin.”


使用次數(No. of Usage):7 times

用後感:佢係醫學品牌,感覺上係幾pro咁。 佢個包裝就真係悶咗d,不過佢係非常有內涵既(哈哈!)。佢d粉質好幼細,上面之後好滑同埋感覺好好好輕身!! 滑到線手!!同埋佢應該得一隻顏色,但係就適合唔同膚色嘅人,我搽都唔會覺得白咗, 反而係一搽上去見到個效果係好matte, 好velvet!!掂!! 佢仲有控油效果!!平時我好多時到三四點會出油, 但係用咗佢之後就到六七點先會出少少。效果好持久!!同埋佢本身有SPF25度嘅防曬,如果唔想搽咁多野,就咁搽佢出街又得! 不過,佢係碎粉,唔係foundation,所以無咩coverage啦, 少少幫你均勻個膚色可以lor,但係唔好expect佢可以幫你遮遐啦!我諗最好嘅一樣野係佢係100%天然,唔會clog住d毛孔。如果你有暗倉,都唔洗驚會因為化妝,皮膚唞唔到氣而惡化!因為佢係醫學品牌,佢入面都有好多成份係對皮膚好好,我就唔太介意佢係咪真係做到咩抗老呀個d野(佢係一個碎粉,我唔會留意佢嘅美容效果),我提呢點係因為如果你d皮膚有敏感呀各樣各樣,咁你可以放心用呢個產品!最後喇!佢好環保,個盒唔係用plastic做架,係用環保物料,當我地用完掉咗佢嘅時候,佢係degradable呀!! 加分!!正wor! 大愛!!!如果你想揾隻對皮膚無傷害,天然,控油同埋好線手嘅碎粉,我超推呢隻丫!!!掂呀!!!
(English: Product Review:  It’s a “doctor” brand (can I say that?)…hmmmm…first impression was like “professional”!!  The packaging is a bit boring but I can say that it has a great “inside”!! *laughs*  The powder is very fine and when it’s applied on skin, it feels SOOOO light on skin and skin is SOOOO smooth!! Like super smooth!!  I think it only offers one color but I am sure it suits all because when I use it, I don’t feel that it whitens my skin.  The effect is very matte and the finish is velvet!!  Brilliant!!  It has oil-control function as well.  Usually my skin would become oily on the T-zone area at 3-4pm, after using this, the oil secretion got postponed to 6-7pm.  The effect is very long-lasting!!!!!  Also, it has SPF25, so if you don’t want to pile on tons of products on your face, you can use this as a sunscreen too!  However, it’s a loose powder, it’s not a foundation, so it’s coverage is minimum, it can even out your skin tone but it cannot conceal anything major on your face.  The most interesting thing is that it’s 100% natural and it doesn’t clog pores.  So if you have pimples, and you are scared that other makeup would worsen your skin conditions, this might be a good choice for you.  Since it’s a “doctor” brand (hmmmm can I really say that?), it has many good ingredients for skin.  I don’t really care that much of its anti-aging properties (well it’s a loose powder and I will treat it as a loose powder), but I mention this because if your skin is sensitive and such, you can rest assure that this won’t worsen your skin condition.  Finally, it’s has a very environmentally friendly packaging!  The case is degradable after we dispose it!!  Bonus point for that!!  I LOVE it!!!  If you are looking for something that wouldn’t harm your skin, is natural, has oil-control function and a smooth finish, this is the one and I highly recommend you try it!!!  Thumbs-up!!!

P.S. 佢無puff跟, 你可以用翻自己個puff。 佢都有出一個細小嘅Kabuki Brush, 但係我覺得個身太瘦喇,  掃大範圍唔係咁effective, 仲要買成二百幾, 我覺得唔洗用佢喇! 用翻自己嘅碎粉掃/Kabuki brush都可以喇!
(English:  P.S. It doesn’t come with a puff, so you can use your own puff!  Priori has a small Kabuki brush, but I feel that the body of the brush is too slim and it wouldn’t be effective to use on a larger area.  And it costs over HK$200, nah!!! Use your own loose powder/ Kabuki brush instead!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.prioriskincare.com)

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