[敗家魔女周記] 100日禁敗 ♥ 100 Day Spending Ban Update Week 9

又到我每個星期既禁敗update喇!! 今個星期我線手呀,我買咗d野! 原因係我睇睇下雜誌唔覺意燒著咗! 我見到佢地我超級想整個tutorial video, 所以我線手!! 哈哈!! 同大家分享下先:

(English:  Here we are for my weekly update on my spending ban!!  I have cracked my rules this week as I got some new items.  The reason that I slipped was because I was catching up with my magazines and then I saw something interesting.  When I saw them, I was thinking that it would be interesting to do a YouTube video about them.  So I SLIPPED!!  *Laughs*  Let me share what I have got with you all first:)

 水印甲貼/ Nail Transfers

呢幾張我係外國網(http://www.hailthenails.com)買既。 全部都係一兩磅一張。

(English: I got these from a UK Website called http://www.hailthenails.com.  It’s 1-2 Pounds per piece.)


我買既當時有好多inspiration, 所以我就買咗幾張諗住mix and match!

(English:  When I was browsing through their website, I have got much inspiration, so I got a few to mix and match!!)

花花我買咗兩張, 因為感覺好春天好襯我d Estee Lauder指甲油丫!

(English:  I got 2 of these floral ones because they remind me of Spring and they match my Estee Lauder nail polishes quite well.)


買完上面個堆又係Facebook分享, 同大家傾傾下, 大家好有心send d link俾我睇, 其實Yahoo都有Seller賣緊(HK$5張),你哋有興趣又可以search下丫, 下面呢幾張都係6蚊張(我係幫我係Facebook有個粉絲買既):

(English:  After I got the ones above, I shared them on my Facebook and many of you have sent me links of where I could get them locally.  Actually, there are sellers on Yahoo selling these nail transfers (HK$5/pc), if you are interested, feel free to do a search.  I got the following ones through a fan on Facebook and it’s HK$6/ pc.)

哈哈!! 金色豹紋同心心好靚呀!

(English:  *Laughs*  Love the golden leopard and hearts!!)

呢個我係貪得意! 我覺得個女仔好cute, 所以買咗!! 想可愛搞笑少少可以用呢個! 我想揾多d係漫畫款添!!

(English: I find this very interesting and the girl looks so funny and cute!!  Well, when I want a bit more fun, I would probably use this.  Actually I want to get more “comic style” transfers.  Think they are hilarious!!)


(English:  Love these golden Barbies as well.  Very sharp but not overwhelming!)

哈哈!! 我知我唔應該俾任何藉口自己買野, 但係呢個同我YouTube既大業有關係丫! 所以可唔可以唔算呢? 因為都同我要做/想做既野有關!! 係丫, 如果你有興趣睇下個效果或者點整, 你可以睇翻我尋日係YouTube出既video啦。 

(English: *Winks*  I know I shouldn’t give myself any excuse to haul stuff, however, I feel that it’s more related to my videos on YouTube, so can I excuse myself on this simply because it’s more related to my blog/ YouTube!!  Right, if you are interested to see the results/ on the “how to”, please feel free to drop by my YouTube page to watch the video!)



要維持我個blog同YouTube既beauty大業, 久唔久都要買少少新野先得! 哈哈!! 當遇到連自己都覺得好好玩既野, 我都會破少少戒~

(English:  What Have I Learnt This Week?

To sustain my blog and YouTube’s beauty business, sometimes I have to get new things to talk about!! *Laughs*  When I come across things that are interesting, it’s worth to break a bit of the rule~~)



Wish List


(English:  No special item on my wish list for this week.)


另外, 如果你有興趣睇下其他blogger既spending ban updates, 你可以去Blog of Shadows丫, 佢有哂成個list!!  好齊全!!
(English:  If you are interested in other bloggers’ spending ban updates, please visit Blog of Shadows, she has put together a very comprehensive list!!)
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