[敗家魔女周記] 100日禁敗 ♥ 100 Day Spending Ban Update Week 8

今個星期既咁敗我覺得過得異常容易! 其實唔覺唔覺我已經過咗第8個星期(即係56日)! 嘩!!! 好成功地過咗我既一百日禁敗既一半喇!! 好開心呀!!!

(English:  The spending ban is amazingly easy for this week.  Oh well, it’s been 8 weeks (i.e. 56 days)!!  I can officially announce that I have passed half of my spending ban!!  Yay – celebration please!!)

(the above picture is from the internet)

今個星期真係好忙, 工作忙之外, 私人野都好忙(寫blog, 拍片, 去event)。 忙到自己都病埋! 其實我係越忙越興奮既人(變態), 但係我諗加埋天氣變, 夜晚好濕瞓得唔好, 所以個人容易打敗仗!! 就係因為咁, 我今個week禁敗一d都無難度(邊有時間心情去睇野)! 哈哈!! 小病是福!! 不過大家都要小心身體, 始終病都係自己辛苦啦!!

(English:  This week has been extremely crazy and busy.  Apart from work, I have been catching up quite a few things on a personal side of things (blogging, youtubing and attending events).  Well, then I got sick!!  Actually I am a person who is more hyper when I have a lot to do (hm….), but I guess the weather is changing and I haven’t been sleeping too well at night due to the insane humidity, so I lost the battle!!  And because of this, my spending ban had been very smooth for last week (no energy and mood to tempt myself) *laughs*!!  Well, you all have to take care as well – no one likes getting/ feeling sick!!)

另外, 我星期頭個陣去咗Coach既Private Sale, 但係我一樣野都無買! 哈哈!! 其實有一兩樣野我都有少少心動, 但係我同自己講唔好因為覺得好抵就要買, 同埋我係咁提自己要買Celine, 卒之, 我睇完亦都好安全咁行翻出黎! 我亦都好滿意自己既定力, 我無後悔無買野(即係話個d我所謂鍾意既野都唔係真係鍾意得好緊要啦)!! 好乖!!

(English:  Oh also, I went to a Private Sales hosted by Coach on Tuesday, but I didn’t haul anything *laughs*!!  Actually I was tempted by 1 or 2 items, however, I kept reminding myself that I shouldn’t get anything because they were on sale and also the bag that I truly want is Celine.  Finally, I came out empty-handed *applause*.  I am really happy with my will power and I haven’t regretted not buying 1 single thing (that means none of them is really important lol).  Impressive eh?)


每個人都有定力! 最緊要係你會唔會俾藉口自己忘記你既定力!

(English:  What Have I Learnt This Week?

 Everyone has the will power to do stuff.  The most important thing is if you are going to let your excuses override your will power!)

Wish List


(English:  No special item on my wish list for this week.)

另外, 如果你有興趣睇下其他blogger既spending ban updates, 你可以去Blog of Shadows丫, 佢有哂成個list!!  好齊全!!
(English:  If you are interested in other bloggers’ spending ban updates, please visit Blog of Shadows, she has put together a very comprehensive list!!)
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