[敗家魔女周記] 100日禁敗 ♥ 100 Day Spending Ban Update Week 7

今個星期有d basic items用完, 所以要補貨! 即係話今個星期係有買同beauty產品有關既野, 但係全部都係必要, 唔買唔得, 所以又係唔算破介丫,不如先睇我買咗d咩先:

(English:  I had been running out of some my basic items this week, therefore, I had to get some back. So that means I did spend on beauty products, but since they are classified as essentials, I haven’t cracked my spending ban!!  Let’s see what I have got first:)

 Muji Cotton Pad

價錢(Price):HK$35/ bag

之前睇書話cotton用d質料比較好d既會無咁傷皮膚同埋對皮膚好d,我諗諗下又覺得都有道理, 所以用完自己個d就試下Muji呢隻喇。

(English:  I was reading a book and it says it’s better to use cotton pads with better quality since this would minimize irritation to skin and is good for skin in the longer run.  I gave the concept a deep thought and I thought it made sense, so I wanted to try this Muji ones (after mine runs out) and see how it works out!!)


fino Premium Touch Conditioner

價錢(Price):HK$109/ 550ml
我又用完我既conditioner, 所以要補貨。 之前用過fino隻hair mask覺得好正, 所以趁機會試佢隻conditioner睇下得唔得!!

(English:  I finished my conditioner and it’s time for a new one.  I used fino hair mask before and I really loved that, so I wanted to see if their conditioner would work wonder as well!!)

Mannings Cotton Balls

價錢(Price):around HK$12/ bag

呢個無咩特別丫!! 用完之前個包, 再入一包, 都係用黎落指甲油! 我對cotton balls無要求,所以我用Mannings牌就算喇。

(English:  This is nothing special.  I finished mine and I got the same one.  I used these for removing my nail polishes.  Since I don’t really care about cotton balls, I pick the one from Mannings because it’s quite cheap.)

哈哈!! 以上全部都係必需品!! 講真, 我影相個陣都唔覺得好interesting!! 呵呵!! 今個星期仲有一樣野都幾特別, 就係我中咗MUJI降!! 我之前已經諗住買佢既container去整理下我既化妝品, 但係我之前太掛住買化妝品, 一路我都未買Muji既container去認真地執下d野。 而家spendign ban就最好喇, 我終於都的起心肝去Muji買咗幾個container, 當然幾個唔夠我用啦, 不過我想慢慢黎睇下點執會好d, 我暫時就執咗下面呢d:

(English:  *Laughs*  The above mentioned were all necessities!!  Honestly, when I was shooting pictures of the products, I didn’t find them interesting at all!!  However, the following ones might be a bit more entertaining!!  I have been cursed by Muji *winks* this week!  A few months ago, I wanted to get some Muji containers to store my makeup properly, but I was so consumed in the thought of getting the makeup themselves, I had been putting the Muji containers off.  Now I am on the spending ban and it’s actually perfect timing to go get some.  Of course, I got a few of them and it’s not enough!  But, I am not rushing… let’s see my triumphant results on the following categories:)

Lipsticks/ Lipglosses/ Lip Balms


Single Eyeshadows/ Quads


Brushes/ Eyeliners


Nail Polishes

我暫時未有idea點執我d眼影胭脂, 所以整係執咗上面個幾個category先! 好開心呀!!! 執好咗, d野好清楚(又可以幫助唔會亂買), 掂呀!!  執完更加想快d清野呀!! 真係太多野喇!!

(English:  I have no idea on how to organize my eyeshadows and blushes (just yet!!), therefore I did the above categories instead!!  Super happy with how they look and how tidy they are now!!  I can see what’s inside the containers as well (it helps me from hauling more similar stuff) – FANTASTIC!!!  Now they are all tidy and that motivates me to use them up even more – I really have got too many items!!)



Muji既container雖然唔平,但係真係好實用同實正!! Container夠用就得又唔會成日買, 一個又可以用好耐, 呢d錢真係唔慳得!

(English:  What Have I Learnt This Week?

The price tags of Muji’s containers are not exactly friendly, but they are really solid and practical!!  There are just so many containers you can buy and they are really durable, so they are worth the investment!!)


Wish List


(English:  No special item on my wish list for this week.)


另外, 如果你有興趣睇下其他blogger既spending ban updates, 你可以去Blog of Shadows丫, 佢有哂成個list!!  好齊全!!
(English:  If you are interested in other bloggers’ spending ban updates, please visit Blog of Shadows, she has put together a very comprehensive list!!)

100 Day Spending Ban Rules + Week 1 Update + Week 2 Update + Week 3 Update + Week 4 Update + Week 5 Update + Week 6 Update


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