[敗家魔女周記] 100日禁敗 ♥ 100 Day Spending Ban Update Week 6

時間過得真係快, 眨下眼我已經過咗6個星期禁敗(42日)!! 今個星期成績超理想, 又係一蚊都無用過係護膚品同化妝品身上, 又無買fashion野啦!! 真係好乖!! 連我對自己都另眼相看!!

(English:  Time really flies, doesn’t it?  With a blink of an eye, I have officially passed the 6th week of my 100 Day Spending Ban (i.e. 42 days)!!  I have been exceptionally good this week – haven’t spent a penny on any beauty products, not to mention the fashion items!!  Thumbs-up!!  I have to admit that I am starting to look at myself differently!!)

(the above photo is from the internet)

呢幾個星期我除咗禁敗之外, 我仲執下屋企既化妝品! 呢期寫緊個每日一胭脂系列對我真係好有好處。 除咗可以趁機整理下d胭脂之外, 仲可以睇下有咩我係覺得唔係好啱用, 又可以送俾大家幫d產品揾新主人。 我諗我寫完個每日一胭脂系列之後再係個blog搞個胭脂giveaway啦!! 其實睇睇下我堆胭脂, 我發覺我有好多都係因為衝動而買架,都唔知浪費咗幾多錢(買咗又唔係好用)。 正因為咁, 我又覺得我禁敗係好正確!!

(English:  For the past few weeks, apart from being on a spending ban, I took some time to reorganize my makeup products.  I have been writing a new series on 1 Blush A Day, which is proven to be very good for my spending ban mental state.  I have been looking at each and every one of my blush and see which ones should be out of my boudoir, yea I will be giving them away to you all so that my products can have a new home.  Right, I think I will have a blush giveaway after I finish the series!!  Honestly, now when I look at my blush collection, it suddenly dawn on me that many of them are the results of impulsive purchasing!  That means I have actually wasted my money (yea coz I seldom use some of them).  Once again this discovery proves that the spending idea is the right way to go!!)

今個星期仲有一樣野我覺得自己好乖既, 就係我發現我張credit card竟然有500蚊Dash Dollar!! 而個expiry date係今年三月!! 哈哈!! 起初我即刻諗去邊度洗咗佢呢(Sasa係我第一個諗起既地方), 但係過咗一秒鐘, 我記起我唔應該亂洗Cash Dollar(都係錢麻), 所以我即刻換咗Sogo coupon, 諗住禁敗之後, 我就儲埋d coupon去Burberry一轉買下佢既化妝品(係呀, 真係好鐘意佢d野!!)。 係咪好乖先? 

(English:  Oh and there is one more thing that I am really proud of myself this week!!  I checked and found that I had 500 Cash Dollar (= HK$500) and the expiry date was March, 201!!  Me being me, I immediately asked myself where I could spend it (Sasa came to mind), however, after 1 second, the new me kicked in and commented that I shouldn’t really spend my Cash Dollar recklessly (they are cash afterall), so I chose to redeem Sogo coupons instead and planned to go to Burberry so I could use the coupons after the spending ban (right I really love Burberry’s stuff)!!  Good girl eh?)




(English:  What Have I Learnt This Week?

I haul mostly due to my impulsive behaviour!!)



Wish List

我諗下諗下最想要都係Celine Luggage/Nano!! 呢樣野係我呢幾個week最掛住既!


(English:  I want the Celine Luggage/ Nano the most!!  I have been thinking about it these weeks!!) 


好啦!! 我就成績唔錯, 希望禁敗既都一樣可以堅持丫!!


(English:  Right!!  I have been a very good girl during the spending ban and I wish all of you the best of luck!!)



另外, 如果你有興趣睇下其他blogger既spending ban updates, 你可以去Blog of Shadows丫, 佢有哂成個list!!  好齊全!!
(English:  If you are interested in other bloggers’ spending ban updates, please visit Blog of Shadows, she has put together a very comprehensive list!!)

100 Day Spending Ban Rules + Week 1 Update + Week 2 Update + Week 3 Update + Week 4 Update + Week 5 Update


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