[敗家魔女周記] 100日禁敗 ♥ 100 Day Spending Ban Update Week 4

哈哈!! 已經過咗四個星期(28日)!! 今個星期叫唔叫唔乖? 買咗野呀! 不過係應該買, 因為我屋企無哂沖涼產品! 一滴都無! 咁唔可以唔沖涼, 所以就買左呢d必需品喇!! 正因為我之前用Avalon Organics用咗幾枝覺得有d悶,所以我想趁機試下新野! 我即刻諗起Boots, 價錢唔貴, 佢又啱啱黎翻香港, 所以想寫下佢既產品!

(English:  *Laughs*  I have officially passed the 4th week of my Spending Ban (28 days in total)!!  Am I naughty this week?  I bought something, but they are necessities! Since I have used up the last drop of my shower gel at home, I had to get new ones (cannot go without shower gels).  I used Avalon Organics for awhile and I was kinda bored with it, so I wanted to utilize the chance to try something new!  I thought of Boots’s products, not expensive and they just came back to HK, so I wanted to write a bit more about their products!)

Boots Extracts Body Wash
(Brazil Nut, Cocoa Butter & Bergamot)


你更係覺得我敗家啦, 一買買三枝!! 唔係呀!! 因為佢有Buy 3 for 2, 我可以淨係買一枝, 但係買3枝除開平d麻! 買三枝平均一枝都係HK$32.7, 一次過買唔洗成日買! 買必需品唔係敗家! 咁樣慳咗錢更加唔算係破戒啦!仲有, 沖涼野日日都用, 唔怕買!!

(English:  Right now you might say that I did haul because I got 3 in one go!  Nope, I got 3 because they were on “Buy 3 for 2” sale.  I could grab only one tube, but getting 3 would save me money.  Now the average price for 1 is only HK$32.7!!  Getting stuff that you need is not a kind of hauling, especially when I save myself some money in the long run!!  Plus, I need shower products everyday!!)

Muji Shower Ball


另外, 因為我個沖涼波波有d散開(都用左幾個月), 所以又要買過粒新既! 我以前用The Body Shop, 但係近年我就用Muji, 質量幾好!

(English:  Also, since my previous shower ball was falling apart (been using that for a few months), I had to get a new one!  I used to use the ones from The Body Shop, but in the recent year, I have been using the ones from Muji and its quality is better!)

今個星期又無上個星期覺得咁辛苦, 返工好忙個人又好tired, 所以無咩心機心痕, 我覺得咁樣對我禁敗活動係一件好事呀! 起碼唔會成日心思思(乖)!!

(English:  I don’t feel as bad as last week, it’s mainly because I am back to work and I have been quite tired these days, so I am not prepared to be emotionally tortured.  This is good for my spending ban, at least I am not tempted (good girl)!!)



禁敗其實唔係想像中咁難, 只要唔好俾任何藉口俾自己就會做得到!

(English:  What Have I Learnt This Week?

Spending ban is not as difficult as it seems, don’t give yourself any excuse and you will get there!)




上個星期我咪話我買chocolate同生果多咗, 唔知係同咩有關係。 原來真係同過節有關! 我今個星期又回復正常無特別買chocolate, 生果就都係同平時一樣啦!! 仲有, 我發現我第一次出量無諗今個月要買d咩, 出量當然開心啦, 但係今個月係我咁大個人第一次無咩好特別心痕既感覺! 我都覺得好勁!!

(English:  Discovery

Last week I said that I bought more chocolate and fruits and I wasn’t sure if it was the holidays or the spending ban.  Right I can confirm that it’s the holidays!!  I am back to normal this week.  Moreover, I found out that it was my first time to get paid and not thought about what to haul.  Getting paid makes me happy of course, but for the first time in my life, I don’t feel tempted….a great progress eh?)

Wish List
Wish List就同上個星期一樣, 除咗個三樣野, 我無其他野想要!!

(English:  My wish list is basically the same as last week, other than the 3 things, I don’t really want anything else!)

今個星期都算好成功!! 我會繼續努力!! 禁敗既你又點呀?

(English:  This week has been another success for me!!  I will keep it up!!  How about you?)

另外, 如果你有興趣睇下其他blogger既spending ban updates, 你可以去Blog of Shadows丫, 佢有哂成個list!!  好齊全!!

(English:  If you are interested in other bloggers’ spending ban updates, please visit Blog of Shadows, she has put together a very comprehensive list!!)

100 Day Spending Ban Rules + Week 1 Update + Week 2 Update + Week 3 Update



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