[敗家魔女周記] 100日禁敗 ♥ 100 Day Spending Ban Update Week 3

唔經唔覺我已經禁敗咗三個星期喇(過咗二十一日!!!!)。 講真, 頭兩個星期我真係唔覺得係d咩,但係第三個星期就真係有辛苦喇!!  點解?  因為新年太得閒喇(得閒都係罪過)!!

(English:  Time flies, I have just passed my third week of the 100 Day Spending Ban (that means 21 days!!!).  Honestly, the first two weeks were pretty easy to get by, but the third week?  A bit painful!  Why?  Because I had been on Lunar New Year Holidays and I got too much time on my hand (yea having too much time could be a sin)!!!)

話說我放假真係太開心, 生活好hea, 每日寫下blog拍下片,亦都因為放假, 所以做呢d事都唔洗趕住趕住(理想生活呀!!)。 正!! 又因為多咗時間係手, 個人開始胡思亂想, 開始想買雜誌睇下有咩靚野(我買雜誌都無破戒, 我只不過唔想被引誘jer), 又開始周圍行下window shopping(不過我都唔敢行入Zara, 我都係行下應該唔會燒得到我既地方)。 

(English:  I had a really good holiday, life had been slowing down.  I did a bit of my blog and YouTube everyday.  Since I was on leave, so I didn’t have to rush the two things that I love doing (ideal life!!).  Nice!!  And because I had got much time on my hand, my mind started wandering….it started to send out signals to get a few magazines and see what’s up (buying magazines is not a rule-breaker for me).  Then I even wandered out and started window shopping (but I didn’t dare go inside Zara, I mostly went to the stores which were less tempting for me).)

唉!! 心理唔係好平衡, 但係最終都係安全! 又係一蚊都無洗過係我列入禁敗既產品當中!! 成績依然唔錯!! 不過今個星期心理上就比上兩個星期痛苦少少啦。 尚可接受!! 呢個都應該係過渡期!! 由敗家精變慳家精係一個180度既變改, 有心理上唔舒服都係應該既!! 哈哈!!

(English:  *Sighs*  It was a hard week for me but I can finally announce that I have safe on the third week as well.  I haven’t spent a penny on those banned products!!  Nice!!  It was all psychological pain for the past week!!  Well, I survived!!!  This should be the interim period as you could imagine transforming yourself from a hauler to a non-hauler, it does create some kind of emotional imbalance!!  *Laughs*)



(English:  What Have I Learnt This Week?

When I have time on my hands, I want to haul.)


我發現我今個week買多咗野食! 唔知係因為新年高興, 所以買多咗chocolate同生果丫, 定係因為我禁敗呢? 不過chocolate同生果都係有限錢, 我都唔太擔心。 等我再觀察一下我呢個現象係同新年定係禁敗有關先。 下個星期再話你聽丫!

(English:  Discovery

I noticed that I bought more snacks/ food than before.  Not sure if it’s because it was Lunar New Year so I got more chocolates and fruits or if it’s due to my ban on my beloved products!  Well, chocolates and fruits don’t cost me that much so I am not worried.  But I have to observe my behaviour and see what causes that.  I will tell you next week!!)

Wish List

Urban Decay The Theodora Palette

Urban Decay The Glinda Palette

呢兩個palete都要US$49, 係 inspired by the witches in Disney’s Oz The Great and Powerful。 我係Urban Decay既粉絲,當然好想要啦。 加上兩個都係Limited Edition! 唉!! 雖然好想要, 但係我而家唔會買。 等我完咗個ban應該都唔會再有。 隨緣啦!! 可能到時又會有d更靚既野! 如果到時仲有貨, 我先再入手啦!!

(English:  These two palettes cost US$49@ and they are inspired by the witches in Disney’s Oz The Great and Powerful.  I am a fan of Urban Decay and of course I would love to have these two palettes.  Plus they are limited edition!!  Even though I want them so much, I am not prepared to jeopardize my ban.  Well, I don’t think they would be available after the ban, but if they are, I might get them.  If they are not, then I am not going to torture myself thinking about them!!)

Shiseido Maquillage New Blush in a Brush

呢個係Shiseido Maquillage新出既胭脂, 有兩隻色。 我記得應該係三百幾蚊。 我好想要呢個係因為我以前有枝The Body Shop既胭脂又係咁既樣。 又方便又好用!! 見Shiseido出咗, 所以好想要!! 哈哈!! 呢個等我完咗個ban再睇下想唔想要啦。 如果仲係想要, 我先敗啦!

(English:  This is a new blush by Shiseido Maquillage, there are two colors to choose from.  I recall that it should be around HK$3xx.  I really want to get this because I had one from The Body Shop years ago which looked pretty much the same.  It was very convenient and with good quality!  When I saw this design by Shiseido, I just fell in love *laughs*.  I will see if I still want it after getting my ban over with!!  If yes, then I will get it!!)

哈哈!! 唔買得以上既產品叫唔叫慳咗成千蚊?繼續努力!!

(English:  *Laughs*  Because I cannot get the abovementioned items, can I say that I have actually saved around HK$1,000?  Keep it up!!!!)

另外, 如果你有興趣睇下其他blogger既spending ban updates, 你可以去Blog of Shadows丫, 佢有哂成個list!!  好齊全!!

(English:  If you are interested in other bloggers’ spending ban updates, please visit Blog of Shadows, she has put together a very comprehensive list!!)

100 Day Spending Ban Rules + Week 1 Update + Week 2 Update



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(the above pictures are from the internet, http://www.urbandecay.com & http://www.shiseido.co.jp)

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