[敗家魔女周記] 100日禁敗 ♥ 100 Day Spending Ban Update Week 2

新年快樂! 年初二祝大家越黎越靚, 開開心心,心想事成!!  話咁快又過咗一個星期, 即係話我已經到咗我既一百日禁敗week 2(14日), 哈哈! 睇到下面張相係咪覺得我已經覺得我破咗戒? 無呀無呀! 你睇落去就知喇!!

(English: Happy New Year of Snake!!  It’s the second day of the Snake year, let me wish all of you getting more beautiful as ever and may all your wishes come true!!  Another week has passed and that means I have already passed my second week of the 100 Day Spending Ban!!  *Laughs*  When you see the following pic, you must be thinking that I have cracked it, right?  No no no no NO!  Please read on…)

呢三對鞋(其實係四對, 但係有一對要訂未拎得住, 要等過咗年先)點黎既呢?  我有朋友有好多呢間鞋店既cash coupon(我遲d再講下間鞋店同埋再著上腳影俾大家睇真d), 佢話佢用唔哂又就快到期, 所以俾咗一疊我。 我都諗左一陣, 咁叫唔叫敗家呢? 唔叫呀, 因為我無叫佢送俾我之餘, 我係無cost, 我又問埋Mr Honey同幾個friend, 佢地都話唔算, 咁我就好安心喇(哈哈, 我玩呢個ban玩得好認真!)!! 確定咗無破戒之後, 我就去咗間店到望下。 d款式都好decent同埋做緊大減價, 所以我疊coupon變得好洗好用。 我見佢地標original price都要over HK$1000,但係減完之後都係HK$300-HK$400一對鞋,好reasonable! 我就揀咗幾對喇!!  我最後係補咗HK$3!! 原本我諗住一蚊都唔補, 但係最尾突咗HK$3, 咁我無理由俾多張HK$100 coupon佢架, 所以我補咗HK$3!! 哈哈!! HK$3有四對鞋, 唔算破戒係咪?

(English:  Where do the 3 pairs of shoes come from (actually there should be 4 pairs, but I have to pick up the remaining one after Lunar New Year, since the size I wanted was out of stock!)?  I have a friend who has quite a few cash coupon from this shoe store (I will talk about this shoe store and shoot some more photos of the shoes for you view in a separate post).  She said she couldn’t use them all up and they were approaching its expiry date, so she gave me a stack of the cash coupons.  I thought for a moment just to check my logic to see if this might crack my spending ban.  But hey NO, because I haven’t asked her to give the coupons to me and I wasn’t borne with any cost!  I checked with Mr Honey and a couple of my friends, and they all said the same, so I could rest assured that I wasn’t breaking any rules (right, I really do treat this ban seriously!!).  With the peace of mind, I went to the store and checked out the shoes, many of them were decent and were on mega sale.  The usual original price was like over HK$1000/ pair, but they only costed HK$300-HK$400 pair after discount.  Therefore that meant I could pick up more pair of shoes with the discount!  At least, I paid HK$3!  My original thought was not to spend even HK$1.  However, when the total price came up, there was the odd HK$3!  No reason for me to give them another HK$100 coupon, so I gave them HK$3 of cash!  Well HK$3 for 4 pairs of shoes, not a sin right?)

除咗以上既小故事之外, 我無敗過其他野喇(上面都唔算係敗家, 係洗咗HK$3 jer)! 一蚊都買無過任何化妝品護膚品!  仲係好乖, 係咪?  反而我清野嗰方面進度好良好, 呢兩個星期我又清咗唔少產品, 我遲少少會拍片分享啦!

(English:  Apart from the above incident, I haven’t spent a penny on beauty products!  Right, not even HK$1!!  Still good, eh?   I have to say after starting this ban, my progress of clearing up my stock has been really good, I have cleared up quite a few stuff these two weeks and I will shoot a video later to share with you all!)


唔買野更加可以清到手上既產品! 有d產品好好用, 但係自己多野多到都唔記得咗。 近期拎出黎再用, 又再愛上!

(English:  What have I learnt this week?

Stop hauling means that I am more effective in clearing up old stock!  Some products are very good but got forgotten.  These days, I have been using some “oldies” and fall in love with them all over again!!)

Wish List

今個星期我都係無wish list(無買雜誌燒少好多野), 無咩我特別好想買(唔似我)!! 有我再分享啦!

(English:  I don’t have any wish list this week (skipping magazines really help me to be less tempted with stuff).  Nothing special that I want to get my hands on (not like me)!!  I will share if I have a list later!!)


我呢個星期係度諗, 我既產品多到我應該可以用到年尾! 我5月7號會完呢個一百日spending bn, 如果呢個spending ban好成功既話, 我可能會俾自己小休片刻, 之後再extend多100日。 唔知你地覺得點啦? 但係呢個係今個星期既thought jer, 可能下個星期又未必咁諗! 我會乖乖地完成咗呢個ban之後先再睇下自己有幾多產品再決定啦! 嘻嘻~

(English:  Strange Thought

I have been thinking this week that my stock could last me till the end of the year.  My spending ban should end on May 7th and if this ban is really successful, I might let myself rest a bit and then extend another 100 days.  What do you think?  Right this is more of this week’s thought, I am not sure if I would feel the same next week!  Anyway, I will concentrate on completing this ban successfully and then decide what to do next!!! *Winks*)

另外, 如果你有興趣睇下其他blogger既spending ban updates, 你可以去Blog of Shadows丫, 佢有哂成個list!!  好齊全!!

(English:  If you are interested in other bloggers’ spending ban updates, please visit Blog of Shadows, she has put together a very comprehensive list!!)

100 Day Spending Ban Rules + Week 1 Update


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