[敗家魔女周記] 100日禁敗 ♥ 100 Day Spending Ban Update Week 13

破戒喇破戒喇!! 都係我唔好啦,我知就快完禁敗,所以我係咁上網睇下有咩買,點知睇睇下失埋手添!! 真係曳曳喇!! 好啦,大家一齊睇下我既破戒故事。

(English: I’ve cracked it …!!  It’s all my fault really because I know that I am about to finish my spending ban, so I have been browsing around and see what I should get to reward myself, and as the story goes…I have been naughty!!!)

話說我呢期成日睇Beauty YouTuber講有咩好用,睇睇下當然好鬼燒啦! 之後自己上網左睇右睇。 我本身睇UK既Beauty YouTuber多,因為佢地講既野比較容易買到(UK有d網會做Free International Shipping),咁睇睇下當然又出事啦!! 上個星期我個禁敗update都有講話我好想買Macadamia既頭髮產品,實在太多人讚好喇!! 本身想等到過咗個ban,但係我終於忍唔住敗咗:

(English:  I had been YouTub-ing a lot lately and of course when I came across some Beauty YouTubers’ recommendation, I was so tempted.  Then I would spend time searching specific product online.  I lean more towards the side of Beauty YouTubers from the UK purely because there is a higher chance for me to get their recommended products due to the fact that some UK websites offer free international shipping.  Of course, you could all guess what’s the next half of the story, I couldn’t resist the temptation of getting something new to try out!  As said in my last week’s update, I really wanted to get the Macadamia hair products because people are raving about them these days.  Originally, I wanted to finish my ban first, but you know…let’s face it, it’s hard when it’s the products I can’t wait to try!!)

Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque (250ml)

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上次都講過啦! 好多人都讚話用完頭髮有幾好幾好,所以我想買黎試下! 我收到試完會再同大家分享下。 佢有兩個size(250ml & 500ml),我今次買個細少少既先,如果用得啱好用,我先會再買大size!! 好緊張,唔知係咪真係咁好用!!

(English:  As mentioned last time, many people are praising about this, so I want to get my hands on it!  I will share my comments after trying it out.  It is available in 2 sizes (250ml & 500ml).  I got the 250ml one first and if I love it, then I will definitely get the big size.  I am super excited now and I really wonder if it’s as good as everyone says.)

Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment (30m)

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呢個又係人地讚,但係我超鍾意用hair oil, 所以見唔貴又買黎試下!! 我d頭髮真係好難搞,所以我成日都會揾下美髮產品! 希望好用啦!! 哈哈!!!  當然我試完又會再分享下啦。

(English:  Again, this is another star product from Macadamia and I love using hair oil, so when I see that it’s not that expensive, I get one to try.  My hair is always such a mess and I am always on the look for some good and effective hair products.  Let’s hope for the best *laughs*!!  Yea no worries, I will share my views once I receive it.)

Macadamia Get Hooked Pack


Healing Oil Treatment 30ml

Deep Repair Masque 30ml

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呢set我無買啦,不過想同大家分享下。 如果你想試佢呢兩隻皇牌,但係又唔知啱啱自己用,可以買呢個set,有齊兩個皇牌。 本身我都諗住買呢個set,但係諗諗下個mask得30ml,少過頭,俾我應該用兩用就無哂,所以我就分開買喇。 哈哈,又係啦,如果你唔想哂錢,你可以等我試完再分享個下先決定又得。 隨你啦,睇下你係咪心急人上啦!

(English:  I didn’t get this set but it’s worth mentioning.  If you want to try Macadamia’s 2 star items but you still have doubt towards the products.  You can get this to try first.  At first, I thought of getting this set but then I considered the fact that 30ml of hair mask wouldn’t last me long at all.  So I got the product separately.  Well, if you don’t want to waste your money at all, you can wait for my reviews before making a decision!  It’s entirely up to you *smiles*!!)

Daniel Sandler Watercolour Fluid Blusher Angel (15ml)

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呢期英國講呢個品牌講得好行呀!! 其實好多野我都好燒,不過我諗諗下都係試咗佢個皇牌胭脂先。 佢係liquid狀而我又少呢d類型既胭脂,所以試下啦。 我見人地搽上面好自然好靚!!

(English:  Almost every blogger in UK has been talking about this brand.  Actually I was really tempted to haul his brand but then I calmed myself down.  I ended up just getting this star blush from their line.  I don’t have many liquid blusher and it would be nice to give it a go.  From my research, it seems to land very naturally and nicely on cheeks!)

就係咁,我敗咗以上既三樣產品!Lookfantastic係免運費,但係我聽人地講話佢ship黎既時間比較長,好似要兩三個星期先收到。 我就覺得無咩所謂啦,唔洗運費既野我等得!! 嘻嘻!收到既時候應該過咗個ban, 再分享丫!

(English:  Right, that was what cracked the ban.  Lookfantastic offers free international shipping and many people said that it takes rather long for the stuff to arrive, like 2-3 weeks.  I don’t really mind as long as it doesn’t charge me for postage.  What’s 2-3 weeks anyway in a lifetime?  When I receive it, I should have been released from my ban!!  Yay!!)

雖然我係破咗戒,但係我無亂買。 點解我咁講呢? 原因係我睇咗幾日先訂,當中下面呢兩個Even Lom set我都好燒,不過我最終都係無買,因為我仲有好多產品係屋企用,所以我諗諗下都同自己講話下次先。 雖然我無買,不過都想分享一下,因為我覺得真係幾抵呀:

(English:  Even though I have cracked the ban, I didn’t haul mindlessly.  Why?  Because in the process of ordering, I was kinda hooked to the following sets from Eve Lom.  However, I ended up not getting them (proud of me eh?), because I couldn’t get over the fact that I still have many products to use up at home.  So I talked myself out of it.  I will probably get it in 1-2 months’ time after clearing out some stock.  I still want to share them with you because I think they’re definitely worth a mention here:)

Eve Lom Set


Cleanser 100ml
Rescue Mask 50ml
Radiance TLC 15ml

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呢個set有齊最出名既兩個產品(Cleanser同Rescue Mask)。仲可以試買個TLC,所以我覺得唔錯! 如果你無用過Eve Lom又想試下佢地既產品,我覺得呢個set買得過呀!! 可以試咗先再決定買唔買大size。

(English:  This set contains both Cleanser and Rescue Mask, two of the star items.  Plus, you get to try out the TLC as well.  I think it’s very nice.  If you haven’t tried Eve Lom products before, this could be a starting point.  Once you’ve tried the smaller size out, you could go for the bigger sizes if you like them.)

The Travel Essentials Collection


Cleanser, 30ml
Rescue Mask, 15ml
Morning Time Cleanser, 50ml
TLC Radiance Cream, 25ml
Muslin cloth
Fabric lined zip around travel bag

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另外,我都心動呢個set! 我用過Cleanser同Rescue Mask,所以如果come with the set,我可以review下。 反而我無用過TLC同Morning Cleanser,樣樣個size好decent,唔太大唔太細,所以好想買黎review! 如果你想試多d Eve Lom既產品,我覺得呢set都好正呀!!  不過又係啦, 屋企有好多野未清, 我應該過多一兩個月先買, 等我清哂屋企既Cleanser先丫!

(English:  Also, I was really tempted with this set as well.  I used Cleanser and Rescue Mask before, so if they come with the set, I could review them in details.  On the other hand, this set comes with TLC and Morning Cleanser, which I haven’t tried before.  Plus, everything is not huge in size, I get to give them a decent trial without having the pressure of them being stocked up (and probably take forever to finish if they are in full sizes).  If you want to give more Eve Lom products a try, I would recommend this set!!  I think I will get this one in 1-2 months for sure (after clearing away some additional cleansers at home)!)

今日唔講Wish List住,因為我個list太長(要另外出一篇文先得),我星期三會出文問下你地意見(有d野決定唔到),有興趣我仲想敗咩就留意啦~~

(English:  I am not talking about my wish list today because my list is quite lengthy (I have to separate into another post), I will have that up on Wednesday and I have something to ask you as well (hard for me to make a decision).  If you are interested in my list, then come back again~~)

100 Day Spending Ban Rules + Week 1 Update + Week 2 Update + Week 3 Update + Week 4 Update + Week 5 Update + Week 6 Update + Week 7 Update + Week 8 Update +
 Week 9 Update + Week 10 Update + Week 11 Update + Week 12 Update


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