[敗家魔女周記] 100日禁敗 ♥ 100 Day Spending Ban Update Week 12 + Beauty Swap

今日又到禁敗update時間! 今個星期都算安全,不過我又敗咗甲貼,哈哈!! 其實我就無諗住敗, 不過我個朋友仔係淘寶淘開, 問我一唔一齊買, 咁我又買d啦! 我諗呢堆野都夠我用好好好耐!! 哈哈!! 睇下先:

(English: Again it’s time for the spending ban update!  I am quite safe this week but not totally since I got some nail transfers (again). *Laughs*.  Actually I didn’t plan on getting any, however, my friend found some on taobao and asked me if I wanted to join her.  Yea, why not?  I think they will definitely last me a good while, let’s take a look:)


Nail Transfers from Taobao

Buy from HERE

我一直都好想揾同唔同國家既甲貼!! 俾我見到有呢兩set, 所以即買。 佢呢兩set仲要係大set, 所以應該可以用好多次!!

(English:  I had been wanting to find some that are related to different countries and I saw these two, so I had to get them.  They are both of a larger size, so I should be able to use them over and over again!!)

Buy from HERE

之後我見到呢款,好vintage呀, 好靚!! 我特別鍾意佢既newspaper同埋貓貓,見唔貴又買埋!!

(English:  Then I saw this set – very vintage looking!!  I especially love its newspaper design and the kitties.  Not expensive at all and there I went LOL!!)

Buy from HERE

Buy from HERE

跟住我想揾girly少少既, 見到呢兩set都覺得幾特別,所以買埋。 我諗買咁多都係因為我收到個friend買俾我既Barry M, 所以有咁多甲油要有翻咁多甲貼先得(藉口)!!

(English:  Then I was looking for something more girly and found these two to be more eye catching, so I got them too.  I guess the reason I got so many was because my friend got me quite a few Barry M Nail Paints and I had to get some designs to match (what an excuse!!)?)

今日唔想講學到咩或者有咩發現,反而我想講下我上個星期同咗幾位主要寫英文既Blogger (Jennifer, Jacqueline, Dorothy) 見面, 大家食下飯Beauty Swap下,我覺得個experience都幾得意:

(English:  Instead of blah-ing about what I have learned this week, I want to talk about a gathering with a few beauty bloggers who mostly write in English (Jennifer, Jacqueline, Dorothy).  It was dinner and beauty swap.)


(English:  That day, we went to the following restaurant:)

Wired Cafe 

@14/F, Hysan, Causeway Bay

我都唔記得d野叫咩名(因為掛住講野),不過我覺得呢間餐廳d野色係好搞野,全部都好似唔關事既野整埋一齊,但係食落d味道都既特別! 野食既味道唔錯,但係我覺得飲品就麻麻地喇。 如果我再去, 我會再同大家分享一下!!

(English:  I can’t recall the names of the food (due to excessive chatting), however, I found this restaurant to be quite fun, because all the ingredients in the dish seem to have nothing to do with each other, but when they are mixed together, they are quite tasty!  The a-bit-disappointing moment was that I found their drinks weren’t that great.  Anyway, if I go back again, I will share more on my views on the restaurant!)

食完野就當然係我地既highlight啦,就係Beauty Swap喇! 我地個個人拎咗一袋產品去,大家諗住交換下等大家都可以試多d產品。 你睇下你睇下!!!! 好恐怖呀!!! 好多野!!! 唔知個人其他人見到我地堆野有無嚇親?!

(English:  After dinner, it came our highlight of the night – beauty swap time!!!  We each brought a bag of goodies for swap so that we could all try more products.  You see?  How terrible and naughty!!! So many things!!!  Not sure if other people are scared by us…)

我發誓! 我去既時候個袋係唔重丫,但係走既時候就重喇!!! 你睇下我既成績(其他個幾位都拎咗唔少野~~):

(English:  I swear!!!  When I went there, my goodie bag wasn’t particularly heavy!!! But when I left, that was a whole different story!!  Look at these (the others got quite a few bits as well):)

真係好多野呀!!! 不過好開心!!! 唔係因為換到咁多野,而係大家一齊傾下beauty分享下有咩好用唔好用,個感覺好開心!!

(English:  So many things but I am happy!!!  Not because I have got many new things to test out, it’s because when a few passionate beauty lovers gather together, the conversation is amusing!!)

你睇到啦! 我無講大話,你睇下佢地d一包包都唔細包呀!! 哈哈!!!

(English:  You see!!  I haven’t lied, I said they got quite a few bits too, didn’t I?)

講完beauty swap喇。 我仲有兩個令星期就放監,所以而家成日都睇下有咩想買! 係呀,知道就快放監反而仲心痕!!

(English:  After my beauty swap experience, time for a wish list.  I am due in around 2.5 weeks and I admit I have been looking online and offline thinking of things that I could treat myself.)

Wish List

Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque

價錢(Price):£19.16/ 250ml

呢個hair mask係YouTube真係無敵紅! 無論英國定美國既YouTuber都有講佢有幾好用!! 佢地話用一兩次就感受到個分別!! 正因為我d頭髮真係好乾, 所以我一聽到個個都咁講,我真係超級燒丫!! 係,香港無得賣,不過唔緊要,www.lookfantastic.com有得賣,仲要免費送黎香港(全球免運費)!! 哈哈!! 仲方便!! 我已經將佢放咗落我shopping cart,我一放監就會去check out!! 如果你都燒,你可以click Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque

(English:  This hair mask is so popular among the Beauty YouTubers regardless of where they are from.  Almost every US/ UK Beauty YouTuber have talked about how great this product works on hair.  As my hair is ridiculously dry, I really want to give it a go to see if it could make a difference!!  Yep, it’s not available physically in HK, but guess what, it’s available on www.lookfantastic.com and they do worldwide shipping for free!!  OMG!! How tempting!!!  I have already added it into my shopping cart, the moment I am released from the ban, I will press check out!!  If you want more information, you can check out Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque.)

Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment

價錢(Price):£10.36/ 30ml

另外,你地都知我對所有護髮油都好有興趣啦!! 我見佢個品牌都有油,又係好多人都話好好用,所以我想買埋!! 我都好希望好好用呀~~ 想知多d,可以click Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment。  當然啦,一敗完同埋用完我會再分享! 好想買好想買呀~~

(English:  As you all know that I am a fan of using hair treatment oil.  The brand has this treatment oil and so many people rave about it too, so I want it as well!!  I really hope that it’s going to work!!  If you want more information, please check out Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment.  Of course, after getting them and trying them out, I will share my thoughts with you all!!!  Urrggghhhh, I really want them now~~~)

100 Day Spending Ban Rules + Week 1 Update + Week 2 Update + Week 3 Update + Week 4 Update + Week 5 Update + Week 6 Update + Week 7 Update + Week 8 Update +
 Week 9 Update + Week 10 Update
+ Week 11 Update


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