[敗家魔女周記] 100日禁敗 ♥ 100 Day Spending Ban Update Week 11

好好好!! 我就嚟放監喇!! 安安全全又過咗第十一個星期!! 掂呀!! 不過今個星期雖然我自己無買野, 但係我個朋友之前去咗英國, 佢返黎送咗我最愛既英國特產俾我呀!! 哈哈哈!!

(English:  Good news is that I am about to finish my 100 Day Spending Ban (only a few more weeks left).  My 11th week went by quite safely and I didn’t really break any rules for ANY reason (grins)!  Nice!!  Even though I hadn’t spent any money on beauty products, I did get a surprising during the week.  My friend went to UK and bought my beloved for me!!! *Laughs*)

Barry M Nail Paint

之唔係我最愛既Barry M甲油囉!! 大家去英國都要買, 因為真係又抵又好油!! 油完Barry M唔想用貴既指甲油呀!! 如果你睇開我, 你都知我對呢隻甲油評價超高!! 哈哈!! 超愛!!!

(English:  Yea my beloved Barry M Nail Paint!  If you ever go to the UK, make sure you get them.  They are reasonably priced with excellent quality!!  After using Barry M Nail Paint, you wouldn’t want to use any other nail polishes (right it’s that good!).  If you have been following me all these years, you already know that I always sing my praises towards their nail paints!! Totally in love.)

Barry M Gelly Nail Paint

呢隻係佢地新出既甲油, 佢地話油完有做完gel甲既效果, d色好sharp好靚!! 我會試完再post相係Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, 你地有興趣就要留意喇!! 真係好靚呀!!! 好好好開心!!!

(English:  These are their new releases and they are said to have gel nail effect.  The colors are very sharp too!  I will give them a try and post some pics on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  So if you are curious, you have to pay attention!  Really pretty!!  I am ecstatic!!)


我有好多好朋友, 去到邊都記得我!! 好感動同埋好多謝佢地既friendship!! >3<

(English:  What Have I Learnt This Week?

 I have so many good friends and they remember wherever they go!!  I am so touched and am really thankful for their great friendship over the years!! >3<)

Wish List

呢期我好似好燒韓國野多!! 除咗上個星期我好燒雪花秀既Clarifying Mask之外, 我仲好燒Hera既粉底同primer。 不過因為香港無Hera專門店, 所以我覺得買有少少麻煩。 點知我見Laneige呢個BB Cushion同我想要既Hera個樣同Function都一樣, 所以突然好燒呢個呀!! 佢地同廠, 所以應該質量唔差好遠!! 哈哈!!

(English:  I have been lusting some Korean products these days!  Apart from the Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask from last week’s wish list, I am also tempted by Hera BB Cream/ Foundation/ Primer.  However, we don’t have Hera counter here, and I didn’t like buying those items online (love to be able to try the colors on my skin first).  Ha, then I saw this new item from Laneige which looks and sounds the same as the Hera item that I wanted to get!!  Yay, so I want to get the following one instead (YAY!!).  Since Laneige and Hera have the same manufacturer, I don’t think the quality would be too different!! *Winks*)

Laneige水感輕透BB Cushion霜SPF50+ PA+++
Snow BB Soothing Cushion SPF50+ PA+++


呢個粉話有5個功效!! 我要去敗敗敗呀!!! 放監即飛過去!!!  係, 小咪真係有好多粉底, 本身就唔應該再敗!! 但係呢個同平時個d唔同, 有d特別, 所以我覺得都值得我敗(值藉口多多)!! 哈哈!!

(English:  It’s said to have 5 functions!  Seriously tempted!!!  I have to go get it once I finish my ban!!  Right, I do have quite a few foundations on hand and I really shouldn’t spend anything on foundations, BUT, it looks different than the usual ones, so it deserves some exploration (so many excuses!!)! *Smiles*)

我一放監就會去敗家!! 我好掛住拍haul video既光輝日子呀!! 我一敗完就會拍video同大家分享!! 哈哈!!! 好想快d過埋呢幾個星期呀!!

(English:  I will go to haul once I am released from my ban!  I do miss those days whereby I shoot my haul videos (my golden days *laughs*).  Right, after the gigantic haul, I will shoot a video and share with you all!!!  I really wish the following weeks would fly by more quickly!!)

另外, 如果你有興趣睇下其他blogger既spending ban updates, 你可以去Blog of Shadows丫, 佢有哂成個list!!  好齊全!!
(English:  If you are interested in other bloggers’ spending ban updates, please visit Blog of Shadows, she has put together a very comprehensive list!!)
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