[敗家魔女周記] 100日禁敗 ♥ 100 Day Spending Ban Update Week 10

嘩哈哈! 第十個week喇!! 仲有一個月我就放監喇!! 我已經有野想買, 下個月一放監我就會去小敗一下。 我見有d Blogger extend佢地個spending ban, 我諗我要小休下先再睇下我會唔會再禁敗。 其實我覺得我個敗家病都唔係好嚴重, 同埋轉季我想買下衫, 所以就算會再玩禁敗, 我都會俾自己休息下敗下家先(唔係人生好無樂趣丫)!!  雖然我上個星期線手, 但係我今個星期好乖,淨係買咗必需品:

(English: Hurry!!!  I have officially passed the 10th week!!  And guess what?  I have only 1 month left to go!!  I have already got a wish list and I hope to do a mini haul when I get released from the spending ban!  I have seen some bloggers extending their spending ban, but I think I need a small rest first.  Actually I come to realize that my retail therapy is not excessive and I really want to get some clothes due to the change of season.  So even if I will get on another spending ban, I will need a rest first (otherwise, life would be so boring)!!  Right, last week, I slipped a bit, but I am really good this week, I only spent on what I needed:)

Too Cool For School Takkoza Makeup Remover Wipes


買呢個makeup remover wipes係因為我枝eye makeup remover就用完,所以我要補貨! 我知Too Cool For School出咗新落妝產品, 所以想試下。 呢個系列有枝eye makeup remover但係無哂貨, 所以BA提議我用wipes。 你地都知我對wipes無咩信心, 但係如果俾我揾到好用既wipes我真係覺得會超方便, 所以試下呢隻啦。 呢隻可以落眼同面既! 開咗再同大家分享。 之前有sis都提我有d Too Cool For School既產品我未出review, 我會今個月睇下有咩未講會講埋喇。

(English:  The reason I got this makeup remover wipes was because I was running low on my eye makeup remover, so I had to get something!  I knew there were new products from Too Cool For School regarding removing makeup, so I wanted to give them a try.  There are quite a few products in the whole series, but the eye makeup remover was out of stock, so the BA suggested me to get the wipes.  You all know that I haven’t found the perfect wipes yet, so I am still on the look for it.  I guess it’s perfect timing for me to give these a try!  These wipes can be used to remove eye and face makeup!  I will share my comments after I use them.  Oh BTW, some sisters reminded me that I have missed out some reviews on some Too Cool For School’s products.  I will check and see.  I will definitely talk about the “forgotten” ones this month.)

Too Cool For School Marshmallow Puff


 另外我就買咗佢地個beauty blender用黎上濕粉! 我之前有一個係跟佢地BB Cream送既, 但係俾我用到好殘, 所以我要換過一粒。 我覺得好好用呀!! 我超愛佢個shape, 同埋用黎blend濕粉真係好鬼貼!! 呢個東東係我既大愛丫!

(English:  Also, I got their beauty blender (for applying foundation)!  I got one before and it came with the BB Cream but I had literally ruined it, so I had to get a new one!  I really love this little guy and its shape.  Using it to blend in the foundation make the foundation stay really close to skin!!  I am so in love with this!!)


原來我既存貨都唔係太多! 有好多必需品成日都要補貨!

(English:  What Have I Learnt This Week?

 I don’t have too many stock on some items.  For those necessities, I have to keep purchasing from time to time!)



 Wish List

今個星期好想敗雪花秀枝玉容面膜。 之前見好多人都話好用, 同埋我見佢係撕除式既面膜, 而家唔係太多公司有出呢類mask(但係我以前有好多撕除式既面膜, 我覺得好用), 所以好燒!!  一完禁敗即刻去買!!

(English:  This week I am really tempted by Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask.  I saw rave reviews on this before and it’s a peel-off mask, not many companies have offered peel-off masks now (however, I had a bunch of these a while back and I loved them), so I am really tempted and I will go get it once I finish my spending ban!!)


另外, 如果你有興趣睇下其他blogger既spending ban updates, 你可以去Blog of Shadows丫, 佢有哂成個list!!  好齊全!!
(English:  If you are interested in other bloggers’ spending ban updates, please visit Blog of Shadows, she has put together a very comprehensive list!!)
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