[敗家魔女周記] 100日禁敗 ♥ 100 Day Spending Ban Update Week 1

唔經唔覺我既100日禁敗challenge已經過咗7日(今日第8日)。 除咗日常開支(食飯搭車), 我一蚊都無洗過係其他野度! 即係話我完全無破戒!! 哈哈哈!!! 好乖丫!! 我再講多一次, 我一蚊都無洗過係護膚品化妝品同埋fashion items度!!!! 突然間覺得好自豪!!!  我初初覺得會好難或者好辛苦(覺得會似毒引起), 但係我又無咩特別感覺(好勁呀!!)。

(English:  Time flies and I have officially passed my 7th day of the 100 Day Spending Ban challenge (today is the 8th day).  Apart from daily expenses like lunch/ dinner/ transportation, I haven’t spent a penny on other stuff!!  That means I haven’t broken any rules!!  *Laughs*  I am so good (I know!!)!!  Let me raise my voice and say it again, I haven’t spent a penny on any beauty products and fashion items!!  Suddenly I am so proud of myself!!  At first, I thought it would be very difficult (it was like an addiction), but, I haven’t feel too upset about the ban (very good)!!)

(The Above Photo is From The Internet)

我諗應該同我轉咗我個focus有關係, 不如我分享下我點令自己係無得敗家既時候都唔會覺得好辛苦丫(如果想儲下錢或者洗少d無謂錢既話可以留意):

(English:  I think it’s because I have changed my focus.  Maybe I should share how I make myself at ease with the ban – if you want to save money or spend less money on the abovementioned items, definitely pay attention):)

1. 唔買雜誌! 我平時一個月都會買幾本雜誌黎睇下出咗咩新產品, 有咩靚野等等。 但係我覺得雜誌根本係萬惡既泉源, 通常睇睇下會好燒。 我係未sure自己可以完全抗拒誘惑之前我係唔會買。 睇得唔買得咪仲苦, 點解要令自己受苦? 同埋唔買雜誌又慳一百幾十! 好乖!!

(English: 1. Don’t buy any magazine!  I usually get a few magazines per month to see what new products are out in the market and what fashion items are trendy right now etc.  However, I feel that magazines are the origin of the hauling “sin”, I usually end up tempting myself with a few things after reading them.  Therefore, before I am absolutely sure that I won’t be tempted by any page, I wouldn’t buy them.  You can to see something and you cannot buy it is harsher on yourself than not seeing the “something” at all, so why torture yourself?  Besides, not buying magazines mean saving a few tens and hundreds!!  A bonus point!!!)

2. 唔好focus係買新野, focus係用野。 我知好多女仔屋企都會有好多產品。 用用下覺得一般又去買, 但係舊既又放埋一邊唔捨得掉。 我而家係要自己用完某隻產品先開新產品(我屋企仲有新野), 未用完唔准買! 除非你話隻產品令你爛面咁另計啦! 否則一定要用完先買得。 隻產品一般jer, 唔係唔用得丫麻! 想快d get rid of d一般既產品我寧願用豪d, 但係唔會俾藉口自己未用完就去買。

(English: 2. Don’t focus on buying new things, focus on using the existing products.  I know many girls would have tons of products at home.  When we get bored of something or think something is working fairly, we want to get something new.  Then the existing products will be hidden in the corners of the drawers/ shelves because we feel that throwing them away would be such a waste.  Right now, I ask myself to focus on using up existing product before I open up new ones (I still have new stuff at home).  I cannot get anything new before I finish all the stock in the same category, unless the products get you allergies (that’s another story).  Right the product might be working not exceptionally, it doesn’t mean that it’s not good to use.  If I want to get rid of something, I would rather use them “extravagantly” till it’s finished.  No more excuse of “I don’t see the effects from this product, let’s get something new!”)

3. 問自己唔買會唔會死? 其實100%既答案都係唔會! 我有時上Facebook(雜誌可以避, 但係Facebook無得避)見到各大品牌post新野,我都會like, 有時都會覺得好靚。 但係係嚴重地燒自己之前我會問自己”唔買會唔會死丫?” 當然唔會啦, 通常都即刻會唔燒!! 哈哈!! 好harsh既一個問題, 但係好work!

(English:  3. Will I die if I don’t get this?  100% of the answers is NO!  Sometimes I go on Facebook (yea I can avoid magazines, but I cannot avoid Facebook) and see new feed from different brands about their new products, I will still “like” the post and most of the times, I do think the new stuff are pretty cool.  However, before I enter into the world of temptation, I ask myself “will I die if I don’t get this?”  Of course not, so usually the tempting thoughts would disappear!!  *Laughs*  A very harsh question, but it works!)

4. 成日都有Limited Edition, 唔洗擔心! 好多時我地見到Limited Edition呢兩個字, 我地都會買唔切咁! 我而家見到就會同自己講:成日都會有Limited Edition, 唔洗擔心。 呢堆野真係好靚, 但係下一堆可能仲靚呢? 跟住我就會無咁燒喇, 亦都唔會諗即刻要飛去俾錢!

(English:  There are different limited edition stuff all the time, no worries!!  Very often, we got so driven by the words “Limited Edition” and we were so worried that we were going to be able to get our hands on these limited items, we freaked out and hauled irrationally.  Now I tell myself, “there are so many different limited editions all the time, there is no need to worry!!  Right these stuff are pretty, but who knows?  Maybe the next badge of limited stuff are even better!”  Then usually I feel so much better and I won’t have the urge to immediately go and pay for the stuff!)

5. 舊野當新野用! 點解唔得? 用新野有新鮮感! 其實拎舊野出黎再用都好有新鮮感。 呢點我暫時用得最多係fashion上面, 重新mix and match, 感覺就似新野一樣。 成日想買新野都係追求個種新鮮感, 如果以自己既創意都可以做到有新鮮感, 咁就無咁覺得自己需要買野啦!

(English: 5. Utilize “old” items as “new”!  Why not?  Using new stuff gives a sense of excitement!  Actually when I pull out the “oldies” and use them as new, I get that sense of excitement too.  I use this a lot this week on the fashion side of things.  I mix and match different oldies and I feel like they are newbies.  Use your own creativity to create that excitement for yourself and you wouldn’t feel the need for so many “new items”!!)

暫時我用上面個五個方法都好work, 我一d都無話覺得好慘! 我仲好enjoy呢個challenge添(變態)!

(English:  So far so good using the 5 thinking methodologies above!  I haven’t feel upset by the ban, on the other hand, I am enjoying this spending ban challenge!!)


我覺得唔買野都可以係一個樂趣(唔係話成世都唔買)! 有時都需要休息一下, 諗下係咪一定要咁多物質野先開心? 未必! 無得買咁多野既時候反而會用咗更多創意(創造既過程都係樂趣呀)!

(English:  What have I learned this week?

Not hauling can be fun as well (no one asks you not to haul for the rest of your life)!  Sometimes a rest from hauling is good because then I get the time to think if it’s a must for me to be surrounded by all these material things to be happy?  Not really!  Less hauling means more creativity and through the process of creation, I get excitement and enjoyment out of it!)

我見其他blogger會講下個week有咩wish list(想買但係無得買)。 我今個week就無咩特別好燒! 遲d有我先再分享丫!  好期待寫第二個update呀,因為女人都係善變。 今日好好地, 但係聽日又可能會失守! 玩呢個challenge真係日日都好緊張丫!! 下個星期一再報告我禁敗update啦!!

(English:  I see that other bloggers usually talk about their wish list (can wish but cannot buy lol) for the week.  I haven’t got any special wish list for the week.  If I have any, I will share the items later.  I am really looking forward to my 2nd update because women often change their minds.  Today is good doesn’t mean tomorrow is guaranteed to be good!  Therefore, each day is an exciting day during this challenge!!  I will report again next Monday to let you know how I have been doing!!)

100 Day Spending Ban Rules


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