[敗家魔女周記] 100日禁敗 ♥ 100 Day Spending Ban

我weekend既時候無意中見到一堆外國blogger玩緊100日禁敗既challenge, 我越睇越覺得有意思。 最過癮係佢地多數都係Beauty Bloggers。 你地都知啦, 做Beauty Blogger可以講話係一個好貴既職業(除非你樣樣產品都有人sponsor), 我地本身鍾意試野, 所以會敗, 亦都再加上Beauty Blogger呢個職銜, 就敗得仲多仲狠! 我成日都覺得我要唞唞去認真地清下我既存貨, 所以我即刻決定參加埋呢個challenge!我同Mr Honey講呢個challenge既時候, 佢恥笑我呀(真係恥笑呀!!!),就憑佢既笑容, 我覺得佢睇死我做唔到! 當然啦, 我唔會咁快認輸! 我唔敢話我一定做得到或者一定做唔到, 但係我真心想參加呢個challenge睇下自己既定力有幾多!

(English:  I bumped into some foreign bloggers’ blogs over the weekend and found out that they have been joining a challenge called 100 Day Spending Ban!  I kept reading into their rules and updates and stuff, the more I read through them, the more I like the challenge.  The most impressive thing is that many of them are Beauty Bloggers!  As you know, being a Beauty Blogger can be very expensive (it would be another story if you get sponsor on every single item).  We love trying new beauty products, hence, the hauling.  Plus we feel responsible to report a good variety of stuff when we call ourselves Beauty Blogger, hence serious hauling!!  I have always feel like having a rest to seriously use up the stock that I have, so after reading a bunch of updates and such, I have decided to join the challenge!!  Guess what?  When I talked to Mr Honey about this, he gave me a cold smile (like laughing at my naivety that I could complete the challenge!!!).  Judging from his wicked smell, I know that he thought I wouldn’t be able to complete this challenge!  Of course, I am not going to declare if I am able to complete it or not, but one thing I am certain of is that I want to join this and see how calm I could be!!)

My 100 Day Spending Ban Details are as follows:

開始日期/ Start Date: Jan 28th, 2013
終結日期/ End Date:May 7th, 2013


1. 唔可以敗任何beauty/fashion產品(包括護膚品,化妝品,護髮產品,身體護理產品,衫褲鞋襪等等)。 如果用完某d產品, 屋企無存貨先可以敗。 基本上我覺得我企既存貨多到我應該100日都用唔哂。 我諗我呢100日裡面要買既野都可以係護髮素, cotton pads/balls呢d basic既野。 衫褲鞋襪呢d, 唔特別需要都唔會買(其實都好少係需要啦, 係想要多d!)


(English: 1. No beauty/ fashion items (including skincare, cosmetics, hair care, body care, clothes, shoes, pants, bags etc.).  If things are finished and there is no stock at home, then I am allowed to go get the items.  Basically I feel that my stock can last me well over 100 days.  The only items I can picture myself to get would be boring conditioners, cotton pads/ balls – really basic items.  For fashion items, I wouldn’t get any unless I need them (actually need is never in the equation, usually it’s the “want” which drives the spending!).)

2. 唔可以叫人地送俾你(呢個根本就係自欺欺人啦)。 如果人地見我咁辛苦(哈哈)話買俾我, 我都要拒絕。

(English: 2.  Cannot ask other people to get stuff for you (this is cheating).  If others see me “suffering” and offer to buy me things, I have to turn the good intention down.)

3. 公司/公關公司送既試用產品唔計。 因為我一定唔會樣樣都接, 都係有興趣先會接,所以我覺得我可以保留接試用呢個right!

(English:  3. Stuff sent by beauty companies/ PR companies are exceptions.  I don’t always accept freebies, I only accept them when I have huge interest in the product, therefore I feel that I could reserve this right to accept some freebies from time to time!)

4. 如果真係用完某樣產品, 但係屋企無存貨, 去買新產品之前要揾下屋企有無sample可以代替先。 如果有, 就要用咗sample先准自己買。

(English:  4. If I finish something and there is no stock at home.  Prior to “hauling”, I should check the samples at home and see if there is a replacement, if there is, I have to use the sample first before “hauling”.)

5. 每個星期同大家update一下呢個challenge既進度, 有無違規等等。 如果買咗野, 要分享下個個星期買咗乜野, 點解要買同買幾多錢等等。

(English: 5. There will be an update on this blog every week to share my progress on the challenge, whether I have bended any rules or not.  If I buy something, I have to share with you all what I get for the week, why I need to buy it and how much I have spent etc.!)


1. 我好想知道自己有幾多定力。

2. 希望100日後可以養成一個習慣唔好係又敗唔係又敗。.

3. 期間可以清多d野, 寫翻一d應該要出咗好耐但係遲遲又未出既review。

4. 哈!! 唔想俾Mr Honey恥笑(祝我好運!!)!!

(English:  Why Do I Want To Join This 100 Day Spending Ban Challenge:)

(1. I really want to know how calm I could be when I am faced with all the temptations.

2. Hopefully after 100 days, I can build a good habit of cutting down crazy hauls.

3. Within the period, I can really focus on using up some of the stuff and review them properly.

4. *Laughs*  I don’t want to be laughed by Mr Honey (wish me luck!!!)!!!)

好! 呢個禁敗對呢個blog無影響, 只係你會見到每個星期既update!!

如果你有興趣睇其他外國blogger既update, 你地可以google “100 Day Spending Ban”, 好多都好得意架! 仲有, 如果你都join咗呢個challenge/準備join呢個challenge,你可以leave你條blog link係comment box丫, 等我地互相鼓勵一下!

(English:  Right.  There is no impact from the challenge on this blog, the only difference is that you will see an update every week!!

If you are interested in how other bloggers are doing regarding this challenge, you can google “100 Day Spending Ban”, many of them are really fun to read!!  Also, if you have joined this challenge/ planning to join this challenge, please leave your blog link in the comment box below and let’s support each other in the next 100 days!!)

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