[敗家魔女週記] 100日禁敗 ♥ 完結篇

放監喇,放監喇!!今日係我禁敗一日既完結篇喇!! 好開心!!好似做完一個project咁,感覺好有滿足感!其實我已經約咗朋友聽日去敗家,好好獎勵一下自己(女人真係好多藉口去燒錢)!! 好高興丫!!

(English:  Yay!!!  Today is the day that my 100 day spending ban got finished and I am literally released from the ban!!  I am so happy, it feels like I have finished a project and I feel rewarded!  Actually I will go to haul with my friend tomorrow to celebrate the success (women use too many excuse to haul stuff)!!  Super excited!!)

其實我想回顧一下我呢一百日做個總結。初初話要禁敗一百日個下真係覺得日子會過得好慢同埋會無咩人生樂趣(咁人地真係鍾意敗家丫),但係都抱住試下既心態啦!我覺得頭個幾個星期都算過得好易,因為連自己都唔咁亂睇野怕燒親自己。反而最後個三個星期係最難,因為知道目標好快達到就會放鬆心情亂睇。 再加上,有折扣優惠惹既禍搞到我連破兩次戒(收到產品再拍片分享)。 但係整體黎講我覺得都係一個好好既經驗!! 原來我都做得到(叻!!)。 哈哈!!!

(English:  Indeed, I want to do a quite review on this spending ban.  At first when I decided to do a ban, I thought my days would pass by slowly and aimlessly (well I really enjoy hauling *laughs*), but I really wanted to challenge myself!  The first few weeks were fine because I stayed away from stores, magazines, internet as I didn’t want to torture myself.  But then the last 3 weeks were the hardest because I knew that I would reach my goal soon and I started loosen up by browsing online and such.  Plus, there were a few good deals on some websites and that was when I cracked my ban twice (not good)!!  Overall speaking, it was a great experience and it proves to me that when I set my mind on something, I can do it too! *Winks*)

禁敗當中亦都俾我有時間同心機去清下我既存貨,所以清野都清得特別快!呢點我覺得好好!! 希望繼續keep住!!其實清到一枝野個一下個感覺真係超級爽!!有無人有同感?

(English:  During the ban, I had the time and energy to clear up myself and I have used up quite a few things.  This is the excellent bit about the ban as you are forced to use up your products.  I hope to keep this up because it actually feels amazing when I use up a jar or a tube of something!  You feel the same?)

禁敗玩完喇!之後又點呢? 當然係繼續敗家啦!!! 萬歲!!! 其實成個禁敗既過程,我最掛住係拍敗家片呀!! 幾個月無得同大家分享我既新發現!!!反而我覺得呢樣對我黎講係最難忍!!! 要大家等咗咁耐,我當然唔會令大家失望啦!! 我weekend就會出一條敗家片先,睇下我一放監就會敗咗咩東東丫!!   講起都好興奮!!

(English:  So what now?  Of course, start hauling!!  Hurraayyyy!!!  The one thing I missed the most during the ban was shooting haul videos.  It’s been a few months not being able to share any new discovery, it was really hard for me to deal with.  Oh but now, life goes back to normal and I won’t disappoint you.  I will upload a haul video over the weekend!!!  Right, I am really excited!!!)

嗱,我有朋友問我之後會唔再禁敗。 可能會啦! 不過我暫時有太多野想買,所以我唔會再禁敗住。 但係我會以獎勵自己既型式去鼓勵自己無買野既時間。 即係點呢? 我諗好咗喇。 如果有一個星期我係無買過任何野,我會入HK$200落個Piggy Bank度。 如果有買野就無得入啦。 到年尾睇下自己有幾成功! 哈哈!! 不過講明先, 我未來幾個星期都唔會入到HK$200, 因為本小姐要去好好放肆一下!!!  哈哈!!  好喇,講住咁多先! 繼續敗家繼續分享!! 嘻嘻!!

(English:  Hmmmm…a friend asked me if I would have another spending ban.  Maybe.  But right now, I have a bit too long of a wish list, so I won’t have another spending ban.  On the contrary, I would reward myself for not buying anything for any week.  That means, if I haven’t bought anything for a particular week, I would put HK$200 into my piggy bank.  But if I have bought something, then I can’t put HK$200 into my piggy bank.  Let see how the rest of the year would go and how successful I would be *laughs*.  Mind you, my piggy bank will be empty for the next couple weeks because I need to go and haul stuff *grins*!!  Right, so much for now.  Continue with hauling and continue with my reviews!!)


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