10 Things to Keep Me Busy

Back in early March, I did the below video on “What to Do When I Stay Home” during this sensitive period. Time flies and it’s been another month, so I thought an update would be nice but this time, I will do it in blog format.


10 Things to Keep Me Busy

  1. Play Nintendo Switch: to be precise, play Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I have been spending time with my Nintendo Switch a lot and this month is going to be no different. The only difference is that I have been and probably will be obsessing with Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It’s quite freestyle, so you can choose how you want to play (fast or slow, concentrate on decorating or completing the missions …etc.). The best thing is that there are different events happening, like now it’s Bunny Day, so it definitely adds back the dose of excitement from time to time. Right now, I spend time on hunting Easter eggs and customising clothes (branded Tees to be exact). This game makes staying at home a lot more fun and fulfilling! If you are still not sure what this game is about or whether you will like it or not, you can watch my thoughts on IGTV, hopefully it would give you more info.
  2. Learn to cook: to be more precise, WITH AIRFRYER! I am not interested in complicated cooking, so I thought, “I got an Airfryer, maybe I should try cooking something with it?” Staying at home most days also means that I have exhausted all my simple cooking recipes and delivery options. I guess it’s time to try something new. Who knows? There might even be a video on this if I can manage to cook something decent without creating disaster.
  3. Read: right now I am reading Chasing Cupcakes by Elizabeth Benton. I have been enjoying it so far. It’s another book that makes you see the correlation between your belief system and your reality. I can usually finish a book quite quickly but I have slowed down this one a bit, because I have taken my time to reflect on what I’ve learnt in each chapter. Also reading this book involves a bit of thinking, so I might just as well take the time and get the most out of it. I think I might be able to finish it in April, but I am not sure. Let’s see.
  4. Exercise: wow, this word seems so alien now. The more I sit at home, the further away I am from getting fit. What happens to that Bikini body that everyone is dying for during summer? What happens to getting a good sweat to de-stress? Hmmmm… I am not going to lie, I have been spending the majority of my time at home since late January, and I have stopped going to gym since then. And I do tend to snack more when I get more time on my hands, so you can imagine without me having to tell you the rest of the story. So I am now slowing getting back to “moving my body” (still don’t want to call it exercise). I start playing Ringfit again, I google “work out at home” videos and move whatever body parts I can manage. It’s not perfect, but what is anyway? Always, when there is a will, there is a way.
  5. Makeup at home: for the years that I have worked from home, I never put makeup on. What’s the point, right? Not until, there were a few days when I passed by the mirror and I genuinely thought that I looked like shit. Then I make it my mission to put some sort of makeup on even at home. A. it tricks me to think that I have good skin. B. I can continue trying new makeup and do reviews. C. I can practice my makeup skills. I have been enjoying it so far and I even did little makeup videos to entertain myself. Check this out if you are interested.
  6. Re-organize wardrobe: we are now moving onto Spring and Summer. Though we are not sure how long abnormality will last, but we can never lose hope right? So I change my wardrobe from Autumn/Winter to Spring/Summer. It helps me to be ready and it also gives me an idea of what I’ve got already before buying anything new.
  7. Keep myself updated of Beauty/Fashion releases: I know! What’s the point, right? It’s not like we can all dress up and go out to celebrate now. True. But it never hurts to look at something pretty and divert your attention somewhere else for a moment or two. We are all going through this tough period together, and it’s depressing and draining enough. As long as we all have done the absolute amount that we can do to protect ourselves and the ones we love, the next thing we can choose to focus our energy on is “cheering ourselves up”. My Dad once said, “if a person loses hope, that’s it!” I guess I still check on Mytheresa everyday to see what’s the new-in because I don’t want to lose hope and I still want part of my job, somehow, feels normal.
  8. Research places where I want to go: No, I am not talking about “going right now” or even in “near future”. But hey, a girl can dream right? I don’t have a habit of spending a great deal of time researching places when I travel. The reason is simple – researching and planning takes A LOT OF TIME! And did I usually have that kind of time? Nope. BUT NOW I DO! I want to spend some of my time googling places I want to go and maybe even creating an itinerary (really?), so when it’s safe to travel again, I can just grab Mr Honey and our suitcases, VOILA! I guess in a way, I am doing the “hard work” now and my future me can thank me later!
  9. Blog: have you noticed that I am suddenly back to blogging? I hope you do *LOL* but actually I don’t even care if anyone else notice but me. Of course it’s nice to know that people read your blog and find the content useful blah blah blah. But I never do things because of “views”, I do things because I want to, and if someone gets to read it and find it useful, WONDERFUL! You know! That’s how I stay sane and not get dragged into selling my soul for the sake of any kinds of numbers. It’s been 10.5 years since I started blogging, it went through a very difficult personal period with me; who would have thought that 10.5 years later, it still keeps me company during this mega saddening time, globally. I find the peace here typing away, I find that very-much-needed inner peace when I can only concentrate on putting my thoughts into words. A blog post costs me probably the same amount of time as shooting + editing a video, so it sure hell keeps me busy.
  10. Reflect on the business and plan for the future: in a normal business world, we firefight all the time, shit happens and shit needs to be resolved …etc. There wasn’t much time for me to sit and reflect on the business as a whole. I felt tired and drained everyday just dealing with the different types of shit. You know what I am going to say, right? Yes now is the time, because things get slowed down a lot, and there is not much happening everyday to the point that I can SIT AND THINK! The fast paced society breeds a culture of rushing. We are always rushing our work (or your bosses are rushing you, of course), we are always rushing somewhere because it’s not productive to be seen as “not doing anything” (and “thinking” can be mistaken as “non-productive” if it’s excessive). Everything has a flip side though when it goes overboard! Rushing also can mean taking the thinking part away because we just want to hurry what’s in front of us and check off that scorecard. It’s not until I sit down and ask myself some serious and important questions that I find somethings out of place, things we could do more of, things that need to be improved, where I want to go next…etc. I still don’t have all the answers, I never do. But it’s important for me to have a vision, a vision of how and what the business looks like; then the execution can be done accordingly. I intend to use the time that I have to find out.

I have become quite a regular here *LOL*. Great and you can imagine how much inner peace I have got now!! :). Hope somehow this blog post is useful or entertaining to read. Stay safe xoxo.

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