[化妝] 1 Blush A Day: Day 8 ♥ MAC Beauty Powder Oh So Fair

講講下我又覺得我都算係咁。 講咗咁多粒MAC胭脂我都唔算有太多粒我係好後悔既! 十粒裡面有兩三粒我覺得我買既當時一定係俾鬼迷, 唔係我無理由會揀d咁既顏色!! 不過算啦, 我覺得唔啱用既比率都唔係好高, 仲可以接受丫!!最多以後真係要諗真多多先買, 唔好浪費咗錢同產品! 係咪覺得我個人玩左咁敗之後理智咗? 哈哈!!

(English:  I think I have been so far so good with my blush collection.  I have been talking quite a few MAC blushes and there ain’t too many that I regret buying.  2-3 out of 10 which I thought I must have been cursed when I went to get the products (how could I pick those colors with the right frame of mind?).  Anyway, I think the % of the products which don’t work out for me is still acceptable.  It’s just that in the future, I really need to test out the colors more at the counter before paying, so that I am not wasting both money and product!  Have you noticed that I have been becoming more sensible after joining the spending ban? *Laughs*)

MAC Beauty Powder
Color: Oh So Fair

Swatch on Finger

Swatch on Hand

On Face

價錢:-/ 10g (我忘記了)


質感: 粉感比較重,質地尚算幼滑


閃唔閃: 微閃,要非常近看才見有微閃

持久度: 高(7-8小時)


適合:我覺得好適合比較白既女生! 好自然既淺粉紅色。 如果比較深色既女生, 不要搽太多, 搽少少會有highlight加粉紅肌效果

總評: 呢個叫Beauty Powder, 其實可以當係胭脂啦, highlight啦, 或者全面用。 搽上去涼涼地感覺幾得意! 我自己當佢係胭脂比較多! 我初初買完覺得個色有少少太淺(唔啱我健康膚色),但係用落我又覺得佢好自然同埋個效果幾討人搽歡喜!! 唔錯!! 如果白既女生用應該仲自然仲靚!! 呢盒野望落無咩特別, 但係一用就會愛上!! 哈哈!! 唔錯呀!!! 推推推!!

Price: -/ 10g (forgotten)

Limited Edition: Yep, it’s limited edition

Texture: Feels more powdery and it feels quite smooth to touch

Pigmentation: High

Matte/ Shimmery: Slight shimmery, you have to get really close to see the shimmer

Long-lasting: High (7-8 hours)

Love or Hate: Love

Repurchase: Yea

Suitable For: I feel that it’s very suitable for those with fair skin.  It’s a very natural light pink!  If you have darker skin tones, don’t apply too much and you will have a good highlight with light pink cheeks effect
Overall Thoughts:
This is called Beauty Powder, and it can be used as blush, highlight and
overall complexion enhancer.  It’s funny that it has a light cooling
effect when it touches skin!  I personally use it as a blush the most! 
At first, I thought the color was a bit too light (not suitable for my
tanned skin), however, after using it a couple times, I feel that it
looks really natural and the color is very approachable!!  Great!!  If
you have fair skin, it would look absolutely stunning on you!  I admit
that the color doesn’t look too special in the packaging, but it works
really well on skin!! *Laughs*  Another goodie and another highly
recommended product!!

有興趣再睇多d關於胭脂既分享, 可以睇下我既1 Blush A Day series啦:

If you are interested to read more on blushes, you can check out my whole 1 Blush A Day series:

1 Blush A Day Series by Hakme


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