[化妝] 1 Blush A Day: Day 7 ♥ MAC Powder Blush Bite of An Apple

好似講咗好耐先講到我MAC既第七粒胭脂。 講咗咁多日, 我發覺我多數既MAC胭脂都係限量版, 證明限量呢兩隻字真係無敵驚人!! 一講限量就乖乖俾錢!! 以下呢個collection我記得我當年好期待架, 係Disney衰人系列, 哈哈!! 我特別愛Disney d衰人!!

(English:  It seems like I have been talking blushes forever and finally I am onto my 7th MAC blush!  I find that many of my MAC blushes are limited edition.  This proves again how effective it is to put “Limited Edition” next to someone and people instantly got sucked into the fear of missing something out!  *Grins*  I recalled that I was really looking forward to the following collection when it came out, it’s all the bad guys from Disney!!! *Laughs*  Yea I love the bad guys more (good guys are great, but bad guys are more interesting!!!)

MAC Powder Blush
Color: Bite of An Apple


Swatch on Finger

Swatch on Hand

On Face

價錢:-/ 6g (我忘記了)


質感: 粉感比較重

上色度:非常高 (第一次用MAC既matte野覺得佢上色度非常高)

閃唔閃: 唔閃, 是霧面型產品

持久度: 高(7-8小時)


適合:我覺得比較適合深色皮膚既女生, 出來的效果好有個性。 如果比較白的女生要超級輕手, 否則會過紅呀!

總評: 哈! 雖然MAC唔係隻隻matte既產品都好用, 但係我覺得呢個就真係出奇地正!! 佢係霧面產品, 超級上色!! 我覺得佢既顏色好特別, 好鮮色, 深色皮膚既女生應該會carry得好睇同好型!! 我超愛呢個顏色!! 如果白既女生我真係唔太建議, 除非你超級輕手, 如果唔係會過紅同埋會好誇張!! 整體上, 如果你係膚色比較深既女生而你又唔怕鮮色搶眼, 我超推呢個顏色俾你, 好有氣勢!!  掂呀!!

Price: -/ 6g (forgotten)

Limited Edition: Yep, it’s limited edition

Texture: Feels more powdery

Pigmentation: Very high (for the first time, MAC’s matte products are with very high pigmentation!!)

Matte/ Shimmery: Matte

Long-lasting: High (7-8 hours)

Love or Hate: Absolutely in love

Repurchase: Yea

Suitable For: I feel that the color is more suitable for darker skin tones, it adds to the character, however, for fair skin, you have to apply with a really light hand, otherwise, it would look ridiculous
Overall Thoughts: Ha!  Even though not every matte product from MAC is good, this one is
surprisingly good!!  It has a matte finish and it has high
pigmentation!  The color is really funky and special, it’s suitable for
girls with darker skin tones, it adds so much character to the look!  I
personally love this color a lot!!  If you are with fair skin, I
honestly wouldn’t recommend it!  Well you have to apply with extremely
light hand, otherwise, you will look like a clown – not good!  Overall
speaking, if you have darker skin tones and you don’t mind looking sharp
and trendy, I highly recommend this color to you!!  It’s fab!!!

有興趣再睇多d關於胭脂既分享, 可以睇下我既1 Blush A Day series啦:

If you are interested to read more on blushes, you can check out my whole 1 Blush A Day series:

1 Blush A Day Series by Hakme


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