[化妝] 1 Blush A Day: Day 5 ♥ MAC Bi-Tone Mineralize Blush

上個星期分咗心講咗其他野中和下我既每日一胭脂系列, 今日又繼續講埋我既MAC collection先! 計埋今日我就講咗一半我既MAC collection!! 哈哈, 但係我已經好想講我其他既胭脂喇!! 我真係好花心!! 不過我會堅持講埋MAC先!! 話哂咁多個品牌當中, 我擁有佢最多既胭脂(都係因為佢成日出COLLECTION既關係啦)!!

(English:  I had a mini break last week talking about other products instead of my 1 Blush A Day series, let me continue with the topic today (and with my MAC collection).  Counting today’s post, I am half way done with my MAC collection!!  *Laughs*  But I keep wanting to share my other brand collection with you!!  I am just too easily bored with 1 single brand (not a loyal customer *winks*).  However, I will insist to talk about my MAC collection till it’s clean and done.)

 MAC Bi-Tone Mineralize Blush

Swatch on Finger

Swatch on Hand

On Face

價錢:-/ 3.2g (我忘記了)


質感: 粉感比較重,金粉粒較粗

上色度:高 (MAC既閃野真係無得頂!)

閃唔閃: 好閃, 金粉型既閃。

持久度: 高(7-8小時)

回購: 會。 唔會話飛撲要買, 但係如果你問我我就會話如果佢唔係限量, 而我又用完, 我見到都會再買。 見唔到買唔到又唔會唔開心。


總評:呢個Bi-Tone系列金粉底好重, 所以如果你毛孔好明顯同埋皮膚好油都唔啱用, 因為真係好閃! 摸落d金粉都少少粗, 所以你可以諗下搽上面有幾覺眼! 如果你好白我都覺得唔啱你用, 因為佢有好強既金底,帶起皮膚既warm tone, 所以如果你係粉紅底/好白搽咗會隔隔不入。 但係掉轉頭講, 如果你同我都係tanned skin, 而你又接受到誇少少既化妝, 呢個用係面係幾特別同埋令我有種陽光照落海灘金光閃閃既感覺!! 我多數都係夏天先用佢, 個feel真係好襯, 同埋用佢襯湖水藍下眼線, 真係好靚呀!! 我個人覺得呢個顏色唔係好多人carry得到, 但係如果carry得到既話就一定要買翻粒!!

Price: -/ 3.2g

Limited Edition: Yep, it’s limited edition

Texture: Feels more powdery and the glitter feels coarse

Pigmentation: High (MAC’s shimmery products are always brilliant!!)

Matte/ Shimmery: Glittery, in the sense of that you can feel the glitter

Long-lasting: High (7-8 hours)

Love or Hate: Love

Repurchase: Yes, but I wouldn’t get too obsessed.  If you ask me, my answer would be that if it’s not a limited edition and I have used it up, then I would get it.  But I wouldn’t be unhappy if I cannot.

Suitable For:Those whose pores are invisible with dry skin type and tanned skin tone
Overall Thoughts: This Bi-Tone blush has a heavy glittery base, so if your pores are visible (glitter will make pores even more visible) and oily skin type, this is not for you because it definitely looks glittery on skin!  When I touch the blush, I could feel the coarseness of the glitter, so you could imagine how severe it would look on cheeks!!  If you have fair skin, this is not for you as well, it has a very strong golden base tone, targeting to bring out the warm tone of the skin, if you have fair skin or pinkish undertone, the color won’t feel right for you.  On the contrary, if you have tanned skin like I do, and you welcome some eye catching makeup, this looks rather special on skin.  It reminds me of the golden sparkles when the sun shines on the sea!  I usually use this during the summer time because I feel it’s perfect for summer!!  It looks absolutely gorgeous with a blue/ green eyeliner on the lower water line!  I feel that not everyone can carry this color, but if you can, make sure you get one since it could be your special signature!!

有興趣再睇多d關於胭脂既分享, 可以睇下我既1 Blush A Day series啦:

If you are interested to read more on blushes, you can check out my whole 1 Blush A Day series:

1 Blush A Day Series by Hakme


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