[化妝] 1 Blush A Day: Day 4 ♥ MAC Flower Fantasy Face Powder

又繼續講MAC胭脂! 今日呢個叫Face Powder, 又唔好算係胭脂, 但係盒產品入面有個色可以當胭脂色, 所以我都要加埋佢入黎胭脂呢個行列!  有時我睇翻我既collection, 有d產品我都唔係好明點解我會買, 我估呢粒都係其中一粒令我有咁既感覺既產品, 睇落去就明喇:

(English:  Let’s continue with the MAC blushes conversation!  The highlighted product of the day is called Face Powder, not exactly a blush, but since there is a color inside the product which can be used as a blush color, I have to include the product in this series.  Sometimes when I look back at my collection, I really wonder why I got some of the products and I guess this is one of those products which make me wonder!  Read on and you will understand more:)

MAC Flower Fantasy Face Powder

Swatch on Finger


Swatch on Hand

Mixed Color on Face

價錢:HK$255/ 12g


質感: 粉感比較重

上色度可當胭脂色(圖中1號色)既色上色度極低, 其餘兩個閃色就有高上色度(點解我成日話MAC做閃野好出色,但係唔閃既產品就真係好麻麻喇!)

閃唔閃: 圖中1號色唔閃, 其預兩色都閃,係珠光型閃

持久度:圖中1號色持久度一般(4-5個小時), 其餘兩色持久度高(7-8個小時)

回購: 不會


總評:唉! 呢粒產品我覺得係因為我被個包裝吸引同埋佢話係限量產品我先會買。 我用過一兩次, 但係完全係失望。 我覺得佢深色既顏色(圖中1號色)一d都唔出色, 你見試色圖出黎都好似無色咁你就知啦(我了咗好多下都係咁)。 另外閃個兩個顏色做可以做highlight, 但係我又覺得閃過頭, 唔小心有機會會搞到好似油光滿面。 我真係唔會推介! 同埋我建議大家如果要買MAC既比較matte既產品真係要試清楚, 因為我試過好多次我都係覺得唔係好上色, 所以大家要留意呢點丫!! 我個人覺得呢個真係超雷(汗)!! 我之後會係blog送出呢個產品, 如果有興趣想唔洗錢要黎試下, 你就follow我個blog啦(右邊拉到最低有個Google Friend Connect, 你可以follow我呀!)。

Price: HK$255/ 12g

Limited Edition: Yep, it’s limited edition

Texture: Feels more powdery

Pigmentation: Low – Color No. 1 in the picture; High – Color No. 2&3 in the picture (that’s why I always say MAC is brilliant in making shimmery products, but not so good in making matte products!!)

Matte/ Shimmery: Color No 1 in the picture is matte and Color No 2&3 in the picture is shimmery – pearly shimmer

Long-lasting: Average for Color 1 and high for Color 2&3

Love or Hate: Totally disappointed

Repurchase: Nope, never

Suitable For: Might be suitable for girls who have really fair skin

Overall Thoughts: *Sighs* Why did I get this?  It was purely due to its cute packaging and the fact that it was a limited edition.  I used it once or twice but I was in total disappointment!  The color 1 in the picture is not pigmented at all and you could probably tell when you see the swatches (yea my finger rubbed on it and it’s still not showing).  The other two colors can probably work as a highlight but I feel the shimmer is a bit over the top and without careful application, it’s easy to get that greasy look on face!  I really don’t recommend this!!  If you are looking to buy MAC’s matte products, be sure you really test them out.  I had been trying their matte products many times and found them not pigmented at all, so please bear that in mind!  Hmmm…all in all, I really don’t like this product!!  I am going to give this away in my blog, if you are interested to test it out without paying anything, you can follow my blog (on the bottom right hand corner, there is a Google Friend Connect, you can connect with me there!).

有興趣再睇多d關於胭脂既分享, 可以睇下我既1 Blush A Day series啦:

If you are interested to read more on blushes, you can check out my whole 1 Blush A Day series:

1 Blush A Day Series by Hakme


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