[化妝] 1 Blush A Day: Day 3 ♥ MAC Marine Life Highlight Powder

繼續講下MAC胭脂! 其實我覺得整呢個系列都有樣好, 就係可以記得翻自己有d咩存貨, 同埋有d產品我真係唔記得咗, 拎出黎再用翻又有種新鮮感!! 哈哈!!  同埋我發現除咗我有癮買眼影之外, 我對胭脂既癮都唔細呀!!  唔知叫唔叫好彩, 我個咀成日都敏感, 唔可以亂搽野,所以我都買少咗!! 如果唔係, 我諗我連咀野都會有好多! 哈哈!!  好喇, 講下今日個主角先~

(English:  Continue with my MAC blushes discussion!!  I start to notice the benefits of creating this blush series – I now know how many blushes I have got and recall some of the forgotten products!! Re-investigating products is very interesting at times!! *Laughs*  Now I also discover that apart from being addicted to hauling eye shadows, I am also addicted to hauling blushes.  And I am not sure if I am lucky or not, my lips are very sensitive and I can’t use a lot of products, so I haul less; otherwise, I think my lip products would be overwhelming as well *winks*!  Right, let’s move on with today’s highlight!)

MAC Marine Life Highlight Powder

Swatch on Finger

Swatch on Hand

On Face

價錢:-/ 10g (我忘記了)


質感: 粉感比較重

上色度:高 (又係啦,MAC既閃野真係無得頂!)

閃唔閃: 閃, 金粉型既閃。

持久度: 高(7-8小時)

回購: 會。不過可惜呢個係限量呢!! 但係如果MAC出相同既色, 我會買呀!

適合:如果淨用上面coral既顏色,我覺得會好啱健康膚色既人用。 但係如果將兩隻色混合用, 佢就變得偏向粉紅色, 咁就連白既女生都好啱用喇。

總評:雖然佢話係highlight powder, 但係我當佢係胭脂咁用, 因為佢既顏色都好出。 我超愛呢盒產品!! 好靚呀!! 呢粒係佢其中一個summer collection既產品, 真係靚到飛起! 但係亦都因為佢咁靚, 我唔捨得掃平隻海馬, 所以好少用(唔得,要開始用多d佢先得!!)。  我覺得佢整個感覺比較適合健康膚色(如果白既人就記得要mix個粉紅色), 金金地既珊瑚色(偏橙)令健康膚色既人望落好warm好有陽光感覺!!  我自己超愛呢個顏色,不過係我白痴唔捨得用, 所以買咗咁耐隻海馬都仲係度!! 哈哈!! 好愛呀!! 雖然而家無得賣, 好似就算我好推介都無用, 但係MAC成日都會將d相同既顏色再包裝過再出。 所以如果有興趣可以留意下!!

Price: -/ 10g

Limited Edition: Yep, it’s limited edition

Texture: Feels more powdery

Pigmentation: High (Again, MAC’s shimmery products are brilliant!!)

Matte/ Shimmery: Shimmery, in the sense of glitter shimmer

Long-lasting: High (7-8 hours)

Love or Hate: Very much in love

Repurchase: Yes, but this is of limited edition.  If they have some similar colors in the line, I will definitely get it.

Suitable For: If using the coral color only, then it’s perfect for tanned skin; if mixing the two colors together, it turns into a more pinkish tone and it suits fairer skin tones!

Overall Thoughts: Even though it’s said to be a highlight powder, I use it as a blush since it’s really pigmented.  I really love this product – it looks so pretty!!!  It’s from one of the previous summer collections and because it looks so good, I seldom use it (I don’t want to destroy the sea horse!!).  I really should start using it more so that I don’t waste the beautiful color.  Overall speaking, I feel that it’s more suitable for healthy/ tanned skin tones (fairer skin tones need to mix the coral with the light pink).  The golden coral (more orange tone) brings warmth and sunshine feeling to skin.  I am perfectly in love with this color, it doesn’t get used a lot purely due to my silliness *laughs* of not wanting to ruin the sea horse!!  I really love it and I will use it more often in the summer time!!  It seems that I am wasting my breath to recommend this product since it’s a limited edition (not available now), but MAC always repackage the same colors and sell them again!  So if you are interested, definitely pay attention!!)


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