[化妝] 1 Blush A Day: Day 2 ♥ MAC Sheertone Shimmer Blush

尋日講過點解會有呢個系列既誕生, 又開始咗講MAC其中一個胭脂。 今日繼續講另一隻MAC既胭脂喇。 其實我諗諗下我對MAC產品既熱誠近年大打折扣, 主要原因都係佢collection太多, 真係唔可以迷上, 迷上既話後果自負!!  加上我覺得佢既質量比起以前無咁好, 所以好多都唔係好燒!不過見到靚我都會買, 計計下原來我都有十粒佢既胭脂(我以為我有好多丫! 哈哈!!), 有d係限量有d唔係啦, 算唔算多就真係見人見智喇。 唔講咁多喇, 分享下先:

(English:  Yesterday I have talked about how this series was born and the first blush from MAC.  Today I am going to continue the conversation to talk about another MAC blush.  Actually when I come to think of it, I have kinda lost my interest in MAC products in the recent years, mostly because I can’t keep up with their various collections.  Addiction comes with serious consequences and I don’t want that, so I let my brain rule when it comes to MAC collections now.  Plus, I feel that many of their products don’t work as great as before, so I seldom got tempted!  With that being said, if I see something that I really like, I’d still get it!!  Hm….look at me, I have got 10 of their blushes (I thought I got more *laughs*).  Some are limited editions and some are not.  Let’s get started…)

MAC Sheertone Shimmer Blush
Color: Dollymix

Swatch on Finger

Swatch on The Back on Hand

On Face

價錢:HK$185/ 6g


質感: 粉感比較重

上色度:中 (唔係因為佢唔好質量, 而係個效果問題, 佢個名叫Sheertone, 即係話搽出黎會有好透薄既感覺。)

閃唔閃: 閃, 珠光型既閃。

持久度: 高(7-8小時)

回購: 會。 如果用完會回購, 亦都會留意呢個系列既其他顏色。

適合: 大部份膚色, 喜歡自然好氣色既女生

總評:我覺得呢個顏色真係可以適合好多膚色,好百搭,正因為佢係Sheertone, 所以搽出黎好有透薄效果。 如果想要出色一點, 亦都可以慢慢加添顏色, 我覺得對初學者都係一個好值得投資既顏色同產品。 我自己最常用呢隻顏色係星期一, 因為搽完佢感覺好精神去開始一個新星期!  想走討人喜歡可愛一點既路線時, 我都會用呢個顏色!健康膚色用都carry得到唔會過份可愛!

Price: US21/ 6g

Limited Edition: Nope, not limited

Texture: Feels more powdery

Pigmentation: Medium (not because it’s not pigmented but it’s the effect it wants to create, it’s called Sheertone and it wants to give a sheer finish)

Matte/ Shimmery: Shimmery, in the sense of pearly shimmer

Long-lasting: High (7-8 hours)

Love or Hate: Very much in love

Repurchase: Yes, if I ever use it up and I will see if there is other colors in the collection that I like.

Suitable For: Most skin tones, particular those who want to look healthy 

Overall Thoughts: I feel that this color suits so many skin tones and easy to use.  Since it’s in the Sheertone series, the effect is very natural and sheer.  If you want a higher pigmentation, you can definitely build it up slowly.  I think it would be a great investment from a makeup beginner as well.  I mostly use this on Mondays, because I love looking alive to start the week!  Also, when I want to look a bit more adorable and cute, I use this color too.  Tanned skin can carry this really well without looking overly cute!!


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