[化妝] 1 Blush A Day: Day 10 ♥ MAC Tartan A Triumphant Blush Face Kit

好喇! 講埋今日就講完我既MAC Blushes Collection!! 真係話多唔多話少唔少丫!! 講完呢堆, 我會小休一下講下其他產品先, 之後我會再講另外一個品牌既胭脂!! 唔知講邊個品牌好呢? 我另外個d胭脂多數都係唔同品牌喇。 我諗會比較散d! 唔好諗咁遠喇, 先講埋今日呢粒大愛丫:

(English:  Right, after today’s blog post, I have talked about each and every MAC blush that I have!!  I am not sure if I should regard myself as owning “many” MAC blushes, but I certainly have a few of their products.  After talking about these, I am going to take a mini rest and talk about other products, then I will move onto another brand of blushes.  Still not sure which brand I would go for, because I don’t seem to own many blushes from just 1 single brand…well, let’s come back to the here and now first:)

MAC Tartan Collection

A Triumphant Blush Face Kit

Colors Included:

– Powder Blush Color: Melba

– Sheertone Shimmer Blush Color: Peachwist

– Beauty Powder Color: Smooth Harmony

Swatch on Finger:

Swatch on Hand:

On Face:

價錢:-/ 13.6g (total) (我忘記了)


質感: 粉感比較重,質地幼滑


閃唔閃: Peachwist是閃的。 其他的不閃

持久度: 高(7-8小時)


適合:我覺得比較適合膚色較深的女生用, 不適合比較白的女生呢! 顏色效果比較深色, 如果比較白的女生用會太過份喇

總評:我自己既用法係用Smooth Harmony當係shading, 之後用Melba當胭脂, 再用Peachwist當少少highlight(因為Peachwist係閃)。 當然分開用都無問題, 睇下你當日想要咩效果!! 我覺得皮膚深色(唔白, 近健康膚色)既人用好好睇!! 效果啱啱好, 唔會太誇張!! 我唔知呢幾隻色佢有無單買, 但係如果有, 我真係超推俾近健康膚色既人用!! 效果好自然同健康!! 我超愛佢呢個palette, 因為如果出國帶佢一盒就搞掂, 同埋最正係佢三隻色都非常顯色同持久!! 好正!!! 大愛呀!!

Price: -/ 13.6g (total) (forgotten)

Limited Edition: Yep, it’s limited edition

Texture: Feels more powdery and it feels smooth to touch

Pigmentation: High

Matte/ Shimmery: Peachwist is shimmery while others are matte

Long-lasting: High (7-8 hours)

Love or Hate: Absolutely in love

Repurchase: Definitely yes

Suitable For: I feel that it’s more suitable for people with darker skin tones.  It’s not suitable for fair skin tones because it would come out not very flattering since these are stronger colors
Overall Thoughts: The way I use this is that I use Smooth Harmony as shading and then I use Melba
as blush and Peachwist as a light highlight (since it’s shimmery).  Of
course, you can use these individually depending on what kind of look
you want to achieve for the day.  I think it’s suitable for darker skin
tones (not fairy, but closer to tanned skin).  The colors would pop up
just right and not over the top.  I am not sure if you can get these
colors separately.  But if you can, I would highly recommend these
colors to dark skin tones.  The result is natural yet healthy!!  I am
super in love with how this palette is put together, because I can only
bring this with me when I travel and I got almost everything I need for
blush and shading powder.  The best is that all 3 colors are highly
pigmented and long-lasting!  Brilliant and I am absolutely in love with

有興趣再睇多d關於胭脂既分享, 可以睇下我既1 Blush A Day series啦:

If you are interested to read more on blushes, you can check out my whole 1 Blush A Day series:

1 Blush A Day Series by Hakme


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