[化妝] 1 Blush A Day: Day 1 ♥ MAC Mineralize Blush

你地睇我個blog咁耐都應該知道我係怕悶既人, 唔單止自己怕悶亦都怕悶親人, 所以我寫blog都成日諗點會有趣d, 或者點樣你地會覺得有新鮮感多d! 今年都諗咗好多新野想做, 但係希望有時間啦! 好, 今個月開始我想開一個新系列, 就係每日一胭脂喇。

(English:  If you have been following my blog for awhile, you will get the sense that I am a person who can’t be bored.  Not only that I personally can’t be bored, but also I don’t like to bore others.  So I always put the time to think about how to make my blog a bit more interesting or how to make you feel fresh everytime you come here!  I have been having quite a few ideas, I just hope that I would get the time to implement them!  Right, starting from this month, I am having a new series called “1 Blush A Day”.)

個idea係inspired by Lifeandlensofbeauty,佢同另外幾個blogger一齊整咗個特集係講胭脂, 我睇完之後又好鍾意個idea, 所以我想自己搞一個, 不過我無時間同其他blogger合作, 所以我就自己黎啦!

(English:  This idea is inspired by Lifeandlensofbeauty , she was collaborating with other bloggers to create the series to talk about blushes.  After reading the posts, I really loved the idea, so I wanted to create a similar series, however, I didn’t get the time to collaborate with other bloggers, so I am doing it on my own!)

我呢個”每日一胭脂”既系列唔會日日都有(我怕我個blog會變胭脂blog), 我會逐個品牌講。 一開始一個品牌, 我就會係我出文既日子講佢地既胭脂, 新舊都會講, 而家禁敗我唔會買新野住, 所以全部都係我既collection, 但係禁敗完咗, 如果我買新胭脂既話, 我會繼續加係呢個系列入面。 我睇翻我既collection, 我有十粒MAC胭脂, 咁我就會係未來既十日(計埋今日)用以下既方式去分享佢地, 即係話未來十日都會有MAC唔同既胭脂分享喇。 完咗MAC, 我就會唞下寫下其他產品, 之後再寫另一個品牌既胭脂。 我諗咗好耐, 應該咁樣會清楚得黎又唔會悶。 如果你地有咩意見都歡迎話俾我知呀!! 好喇好喇, 好長氣, 等我開始第一篇:

(English:  Within this “1 Blush A Day” series, I am not going to talk about blushes every single day (otherwise my blog will turn into a blush blog).  I separate the blog posts into different brands.  When I start on a particular brand, the blog posts in the next few days will be solely on the blushes from this brand, both old and new.  Since I am on a spending ban, I am not getting any new cosmetics, so I will start off with the blushes in my collection first.  When I finish my spending ban and if I get new blushes, then I will add on to the series.  I checked out my collection and found 10 MAC blushes, that means for the next 10 days (including today), I will be sharing my comments on each of the 10 MAC blushes.  After I finish with MAC, I will take a rest and write about other products, then the series will come back with another brand.  I had been thinking about how I should approach this series and came up with this idea.  If you have any thoughts, please do share with me!!  Right OK!  Enough mumbling, let’s start with the first piece in the series:)

Mac Mineralize Blush
Color: Dainty

Swatch on Finger


Swatch on Hand


On Face

價錢:HK$175/ 3.5g


質感: 粉感比較重

上色度:高 (MAC做閃既產品係非常好,呢隻產品上色度真係非常高。)

閃唔閃: 閃, 閃粉型既閃

持久度: 高(7-8小時)

回購: 會。 如果用完會回購, 亦都會留意呢個系列既其他顏色

適合: 大部份膚色, 喜歡好氣色有閃爍highlight效果的女生

總評: 我超愛呢個胭脂同顏色。 胭脂本身係鞏型, 但係因為我太愛佢,成日都用佢既關係,佢已經扁平! 佢入面有金色閃粉, 加埋粉紅色令皮膚有warm同健康效果。 閃粉唔太誇張, 有少少highlight效果。 我覺得好多skin color都carry到呢隻顏色, 亦都因為佢好上色, 用少少就好有健康紅粉菲菲效果。 我超級推介呢個胭脂加顏色俾所有喜歡閃閃胭脂既女生。 如果初學化妝想買一兩粒會常用既胭脂做投資, 我都好推呢個!! 大愛呀!!

Price: US25/ 3.5g

Limited Edition: Nope, not limited

Texture: Feels more powdery

Pigmentation: High (MAC is very good in creating shimmery products, this product is very pigmented)

Matte/ Shimmery: Shimmery, in the sense of visible shimmer

Long-lasting: High (7-8 hours)

Love or Hate: Very much in love

Repurchase: Yes, if I ever use it up and I will see if there is other colors in the collection that I like.

Suitable For: Most skin tones, particular those who want to look healthy with a highlight effect

Overall Thoughts: I really love this blush and color!  The blush should be domed, however, since I love it so much that it got flattened out by me.  It has golden shimmer inside plus the pink color, it adds warmth to the skin.  The shimmer is not over the top, on the other hand, it gives a bit of a highlight effect.  I feel that it’s suitable for most skin colors.  Due to the fact that it’s highly pigmented, only a bit is enough to create that healthy pink cheek look.  I highly recommend this blush and color to all of those who love shimmery cheek colors.  If you have just started your makeup journey, it is an investment well worth the money!!  Really in love with it!!


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