很久沒有去過長洲了,我也記不起上一次去是哪年哪月哪日,我只記得中學年代,差不多每年的秋季旅行都是長洲! 事隔多年再到訪確實有另一番風味! 以前長洲最出名的是豆腐花,根本就是當年必吃,但今次發現豆腐花已經退隱了,反而其他小吃更有特色!大家想知道我在長洲吃了什麼的話,就要看看下面的影片啊!
It’s been a long time since I’d been to Cheung Chau, I can’t even recall when the last time I was there! I only remember when I was in secondary school, the destination of our Autumn picnic had always been Cheung Chau! Oh well, that was another lifetime! Tofu pudding used to be the must-have for Cheung Chau years ago, but these days, it got replaced by other way more exciting street food! If you want to know more, check out the video below!