[保養] 各人都讚不絕口既韓國中藥M巾

我都唔知應該將呢篇文章分類去邊度! 不過我諗都應該同保養有少少關係,所以我就放落黎! 呢隻中藥M巾真係太多人講過話好用,我上次Gmarket都買咗,亦都用左,所以想特別分享一下究竟係咪咁好用。講真,我無知,我初初聽到中藥M巾,我真係覺得好gimmick! 但係用落,我就明白點解喇!!

(English: I am not sure how I should categorize this blog post! Anyway, I guess it’s related to something similar to well being. So many people have been raving about this sanitary pads with Chinese medicine, I just got really curious and I wanted to give it a good try. So I got a set from Gmarket and I have started using it. So I want to share with you my thoughts on them!! Honestly, when I first heard the concept, I literally laughed because I thought it was really gimmicky!! Well, now I guess I understand why they are so popular!!)


Sanitary Pads with Chinese Medicine 

Gmarket Price: ₩10,900 / set (some are more expensive) at Product Link

佢都好似香港既M巾咁,有長有短!! 哈哈!!有唔同長短係俾你可以日用或者夜用!! 我買既set入面就有21cm,2 x 25cm同33cm。 

(English: They look very similar to the local sanitary pads, and they offer different lengths for you to choose from, depending if you want them for day use or night use. My set consists of a pack of 21cm, 2 x 25cm and a pack of 33cm.)

使用次數(No. of Usage):3 days

用後感: 真係好好用!! 一打開包野就已經聞到中藥味,但係就唔係好勁,可以接受!! 佢係綿質,所以用落感覺好舒服,同埋唔知佢係咪又中藥成份係入面,我覺得感覺好清爽同清新!! 同埋最最最重要係佢可以去咗腥味!!用完要掉既時候真係無平時咁大陣味!! 好正呀!!! 佢係貴過香港既M巾,但係佢有特別功效,同埋計落都唔係貴好多,所以我都覺得好抵用!! 仲要Gmarket有得買,超方便!! 我會繼續用呀,真係太好用啦!!唔會笠住得黎又好爽,最愛當然係佢可以幫我去咗d尷尬味!!!正正正!!未試過既sis真係要試下,我就一用愛上!!我用完一定會再敗!!哈哈!!好掂!! 發明呢隻中藥M巾個人真係太強喇!!

(English: Product Review: They are brilliant!!! When I opened up the package, I could smell the Chinese medicine but it’s not ridiculous, it’s quite acceptable!! It has a cotton surface so it feels really nice. Not sure if it’s because of the Chinese medicine, when it’s in use, I feel quite refresh!!! The best part about this is that it can neutralize the blood scent. So when I take it to the trash, it really doesn’t have the strong scent like before. GREAT!!! It works out to be more expensive than the local sanitary pads but it also has special function and it’s only a bit more expensive than those Hong Kong ones, I feel that it’s definitely worth the extra money!! Also, it’s very convenient because we can get them from Gmarket!!! I will keep using it because I just love it so much!! I love the refresh feeling and I love the fact that it clears the unwanted scent!!! REALLY NICE!!! If you haven’t tried it before, please do!! I personally love it to bits!! When I use these up, I will definite repurchase!! *LAUGHS*!!! I want to give applause to whoever that created this!!) 



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