之前試咗好多唔同既睫毛液,其實我覺得睫毛液真係好難買到啱心水,市面上有好多,但係真係有效果既又好少。 今次分享下我之前用過既三枝亦都講下我唔會回購既原因。
(English: I had been trying different mascaras and I think it’s really difficult to find the right ones. Yes, there are so many choices in the market but not many do offer what it says. Today I want to share my thoughts on the previous 3 that I tried and found disappointing.)
L’Oreal Miss Manga False Lash Waterproof HK$139
(English: I need to apply so many layers of this to get a bit of a lengthening effect. It doesn’t help my lashes to stay curl and it doesn’t offer any volume. I don’t think that its effect is living up to its name of false lash – which leads me to my disappointment.)
Rimmel Extreme Black Wonder’full Mascara with Argan Oil £7.99
呢款個擦頭太大,搽既時候要好小心唔好整到其他地方,用既時候較難控制。 又係搽好多下先見到少少增長效果,搽完又係睫毛唔curl同無咩濃密。 唉。
(English: The brush is too big and I have to be really careful not to mess up other places during application. I have to admit its brush is a wee bit difficult to handle. Again, I have to apply so many layers to see a wee bit of lengthening effect. It doesn’t help my lashes to stay curl and offers no volume at all. Sighs.)
Maybelline Lash Sensational Volume Express HK$135
呢枝我同Mr Honey笑要改名做Non Sensational。 搽好多下都無咩見到! 我仲要唔死心分開咗好幾次黎試,我最後感覺都係無料到!
(English: I joked with Mr Honey that this one needed to change the name to Non Sensational instead. I applied so many layers but I didn’t see anything. In fact, I gave it so many chances hoping that miracles would happen but NAH!!)
睫毛液真係一個迷,買好多試好多,但係命中既機會真係好細! 所以次次搵到好用少少既都唔想轉! 哈哈~~ 但係我又要繼續試,唔試又無得分享,真係好矛盾~~
(English: Mascara is definitely one of those mysterious categories. I bought and tried many but the hit rate is still very small. That kind of explains why whenever I found a slightly better one, I didn’t want to change. *Laughs* However, the battle needs to go on and one because otherwise I wouldn’t have any new stuff to talk about – what a dilemma!)