Viseart Palette in 01 Neutral Matte

我應該之前係某一個分享入面講過呢個法國品牌眼影盤 – Viseart Palette in 01 Neutral Matte,今日同大家分享試色圖。

(English:  I did talk about this French eyeshadow palette – Viseart Palette in 01 Neutral Matte in a video awhile back, today I am going to show you what the colours look like on skin.)


Viseart Palette in 01 Neutral Matte USD80
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呢盒裡面全部都係matte色,亦都係大地色系,所以應該好多人都啱用。 摸落眼影既時候唔係特別滑特別幼細,但係一搽上皮膚就不得了,超級出色!! 同埋好易blend同滑。我覺得佢係我用過咁多matte色眼影入面最出色既一個品牌,真係做得好好!! 價錢我覺得可以接受,因為如果計港紙大概HK$6xx,有12隻色。 有時我地買大牌都要HK$5xx得四個色仲要無咁出色添。 所以如果追求質感上色度既話,我覺得Viseart呢個palette好值得諗!

(English:  It comes with all matte shadows and all are earth tones so it should suit many people’s taste.  When I touch the eyeshadows, I don’t think they are that smooth, however, the surprise comes when I start to apply on my skin.  These are SUPER PIGMENTED!!  They are easy to blend and look smooth on skin.  I have to say – these are one of the best matte shadows I have ever used (and I have tried many).  Well done and really deserve a thumbs-up!  The price is acceptable because in HK dollar, it would be around HK$6XX and it comes with 12 colours.  Sometimes, the high end ones cost around HK$5XX and they usually come with 4 shadows.  So if you are looking for good quality matte shadows that you will enjoy all the time, I think this Viseart palette is worth your time.)

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