Makeup Forever Hydrating Primer

之前係video度都有講過下呢個Makeup Forever保濕打底霜,但係無深入同大家分享。我地又轉季,而家天氣又濕濕地,大家可能想揾d清爽類既保濕化妝底霜,係既話就睇落去。

(English:  I think I did briefly mentioned this Makeup Forever Hydrating Primer but I didn’t go through in details.  Well again, the weather is changing and it’s getting more humid, so if you are looking for a makeup base that’s light and hydrating, read on.)

Makeup Forever Hydrating Primer HK$370/ 30ml

Makeup Forever Hydrating Primer


Makeup Forever Hydrating Primer

Makeup Forever Hydrating Primer

Makeup Forever Hydrating Primer

唧出黎係白色gel狀,推開咗gel既感覺更加明顯。 好易亦好快吸收,吸完之後一d都唔笠但係皮膚會滑咗少少。之後搽粉底亦都好貼同唔會過潤。 我覺得呢個質感唔錯,如果你係好乾皮膚,當然呢條係唔夠,你要用比較潤身既先可以。 但係如果你係會出油皮膚或者完全唔潤得既話,我覺得呢隻係一個好好既選擇。 搽上面舒服亦都做到保濕,但係無油膩感亦唔會覺得有層野係面。 不過佢個功能只係保濕,無調色無防曬無明亮,所以如果你要多功能既呢枝未必適合你或者你要配搭其他野去使用。我自己就會keep住用,因為通常我base都係要保濕就可以,我有感覺你地會係未來既密密清video見都佢! 如果有興趣,自己去counter玩下睇下你又鍾唔鍾意個質感丫! 我自己就好愛喇~~

(English:  It looks more like a white gel when it’s squeezed out of the tube, when spreading, it looks more like a normal gel texture.  It’s fast and easy to absorb.  After absorption, skin feels a wee bit smoother without any burden.  Foundation does stay on skin better and it doesn’t feel heavy at all.  I quite like the texture.  If you have dry skin, of course this one might be on the light side for you and you would need to opt for something a wee bit more moisturising.  However, if you have oily skin or combination skin or you love something that’s light on the skin, I think this is a good choice.  It feels nice on skin and it hydrates, it doesn’t leave any grease and any film on skin.  The downside is that its only function is hydration, it doesn’t tune your skin colour, nor contain SPF, nor brightening, so if you are looking for something that’s multi-tasking, this one might not be a good choice or you will need to use this with other products.  I will keep using this because for makeup, I mostly opt for hydrating and I have a feeling that you will see this item in the future empties video.  If you are interested, go check it out at the counter and see if this is the texture you are looking for.  I personally would give this a thumbs-up!)

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