Cartier Love Bracelet SM

Cartier Love Bracelet SM

好想買好耐既一個產品,亦都試著justify兩年都justify唔到既一個產品。 我其實睇咗Cartier Love Bracelet大大話話都有兩年時間,但係我一直都覺得真係好貴呀!! 如果呢個價錢,我成日覺得我會買錶!所以一直以黎我好掛住佢,但係一直都無入手。 直至上星期,無意中上網見到佢出咗幼版,價錢比起正常版相宜少少,所以即刻飛去睇!!

(English:  This item has been on my wish list for a long time, and I had been trying to justify the purchase for two years, yet in vain.  I think I had been eyeing on Cartier Love Bracelet for around 2 years, but I just found that too luxurious!!  For the price, I would prefer to get a watch instead.  Therefore, it had been on my mind for a long time, but I didn’t bite the bullet.  Not until last week anyway.  Last week, I went online on one of those days whereby I needed some inspiration, I found out by chance that now the Cartier Love Bracelet comes in a thinner size, and the best part is that the price is a wee bit more friendly than the original one!  Guess what?  I dragged myself out immediately to check it out!!

Cartier Love Bracelet SM in Yellow Gold HK$28,800

More Information: Cartier Website

Cartier Love Bracelet SM

佢真係比正常版幼身,反而我又覺得啱啱好,因為我手幼同埋我鍾意帶幾條,所以幼版可以夾到其他飾物黎帶。 呢個款式有白金,金同玫瑰金。 白金價錢貴少少HK$30,800 (比金同玫瑰金多HK$2,000),我去當日已經全線斷貨。 不過白金唔係我杯茶,我膚色黎講都係多數帶金或者玫瑰金。 我去銅鑼灣Lee Garden Cartier,我一同SA講想睇Love Bracelet幼版,佢都即刻同我講話好多size無晒不過唔緊要可以望左先。 我試帶左金色同玫瑰金色,最後我決定帶走金色,因為玫瑰金同我膚色太似,唔夠sharp好似保護色咁! 金色反而sharp好多但係又唔土豪! 我呢隻係17號size,我覺得啱啱好!

(English:  This is indeed thinner than the original one, but I think it’s somehow just right for me because my wrist is quite thin and I like to mix and match my accessories, so a thin one would go really well with other items in my collection!  This style comes in white gold, gold and rose gold.  The price of the white gold one is HK$30,800 which is HK$2,000 more than gold and rose gold.  When I arrived in the Cartier boutique, the white gold one was sold out in Hong Kong.  However, I am not a white gold fan because my skin colour goes better with gold or rose gold.  I went to the the Cartier boutique in Lee Garden.  I said to the SA that I wanted to check out the Love Bracelet SM, he told me that many sizes were not available anymore, however, we could check out the style first.  I tried both gold and rose gold on and finally I went for the gold one.  The rose gold one was pretty but it was too similar to my skin tone.  The gold one did look a lot sharper with my skin tone!!  Mine is a size 17 and I feel the size is perfect!)

Cartier Love Bracelet SM

Love Bracelet既一大特點係佢有鎖,唔熟手既基本上要人地幫你帶同除。 諭意係你愛人送俾你幫你帶上,之後你就係屬於佢。 咁呢個幼版都有鎖,但係自己帶同除無問題,我覺得仲方便!! 我唔係一個好浪漫既人(細個就浪漫好多。。。哈哈),有人送當然開心,但係我覺得時代女性都唔需要成日等人送乜送物(我就係咁獨立。。。太獨立),鍾意有能力自己買都好有成就感,自己買俾自己都可以諭意自己要愛惜自己,好好照顧同對待自己!! Why not!! 呢隻Love Bracelet幼版我覺得可以係入門版,亦都係一隻我會一望到就提醒自己要好好對待自己既一隻bracelet! 我一帶咗就無除,因為問過SA沖涼洗唔洗除,佢都話唔洗都得! 咁真係啱晒我!!! 我好急要分享呢個,如果大家同我一樣睇咗Love Bracelet好耐但係justify唔到,你可以去望下呢款呀!

(English:  One of the most romantic thoughts about Love Bracelet is that it’s locked down.  If you are not a regular, then you need someone to put it on and take it off for you.  The meaning is  “when your lover gives you this and put this on your wrist, you are locked down and belong to your lover”.  This SM one comes with a lock as well but I can wear it and take it off on my own, I love the convenience of this!  I am not a romantic (I was when I was a lot younger…hahaha).  Of course I would be ecstatic to receive Love Bracelet as a gift, however, I do think that modern women nowadays don’t really need to wait for any present (yes I am just independent like that), if I love something and I can pay for it myself, it does give me a sense of achievement as well.  When I buy this for myself, it can mean that it reminds myself to love myself and take good care of myself always.  Why not!!  I think this Love Bracelet SM can be an entry level and it is a reminder for myself to treat myself right every single day.  I put it off and I haven’t took it off.  I did ask the SA if I needed to take this off during shower, and he said not really.  Well one more practical reason to love it!  I am very excited to share this Love Bracelet SM with you because if you are like me – somehow cannot justify the original love bracelet, then this one might be a great one for you!!)

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